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In the user/config/system.yaml file ensure your have the following configuration: errors: display: 1 log: true Configuration Issues As explained above in the Configuration section, if you're using the default settings, set the Plugin configuration to use a SMTP server.
Grav Documentation /docs/grav/start/contact.mdIt is important to think of Joomla not as a limited platform on which a specific type of site is built, but a robust set of tools that makes it possible to connect visitors to data in a variety of ways.
Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/platform/In addition to switching elements on and off, a good responsive design is fluid, and will scale as the window size is adjusted. This ensures that the same great user experience is available for users running browers at virtually any pixel width.
Wordpress Joomla Documentation /docs/technical_tips/general/responsive.mdThe RocketTheme team is hard at work behind the scenes to bring Gantry 5 to WordPress. We are dedicated to making Gantry 5 for WordPress the single most flexible and powerful framework out there.
Wordpress Joomla Articles /blog/team/194-gantry-5-an-update-for-wordpress-club-membersWith a CMS as complex and involved as Magento, regular maintenance means the difference between a healthy and unhealthy website. Below is an infographic created by the folks at Mofluid to help you determine if your site is due for a checkup.
Magento Articles /blog/team/213-is-your-magento-site-due-for-a-checkupThere is no denying the fact that the WordPress CMS is a highly popular website building platform. So many websites being hosted on the CMS also makes it a soft target for malicious hackers who are looking to inject their codes or simply hack a website for fun.
Wordpress Articles /blog/wordpress/270-strengthening-the-admin-area-of-wordpressIn this article, we will examine five useful tips to help you determine whether or not your site is due for a redesign. It Has Been 5+ Years Since Your Last Redesign Like anything in the world of design and style, websites age over time.
RocketTheme Articles /blog/design/195-five-signs-your-site-is-due-for-a-redesignTachyon is Bringing Social Back This area of the front page is a standard mod_custom module. The settings we used in the demo are listed below.
Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/tachyon/demo_module_1.mdBy checking the checkbox next to the Top Positions row and adjusting the setting, we have told Joomla that for any page this override is assigned, the Top module positions will be displayed at a ratio of 7 to 5, rather than the default setting used elsewhere.
Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/basic/how_to_create_a_template_override.mdOnce this is done, a notice should appear indicating that the template has been successfully updated. At this point, you should be able to test your site for any issues and operate as normal.
Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/platform/update_template.md