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Score 63.9

Sienna: Simple Booking Particle

Submit Button 1 Text Enter any text you would like to have appear in the initial submit button. Name Label Enter a label you wish to have appear in the front end for the Name field. Name Placeholer Enter a default entry for the Name field.

Grav Documentation /docs/grav/themes/sienna/particle_simplebooking.md
Score 63.9

Sienna: Simple Booking Particle

Submit Button 1 Text Enter any text you would like to have appear in the initial submit button. Name Label Enter a label you wish to have appear in the front end for the Name field. Name Placeholer Enter a default entry for the Name field.

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/sienna/particle_simplebooking.md
Score 63.9

Sienna: Simple Booking Particle

Submit Button 1 Text Enter any text you would like to have appear in the initial submit button. Name Label Enter a label you wish to have appear in the front end for the Name field. Name Placeholer Enter a default entry for the Name field.

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/sienna/particle_simplebooking.md
Score 62.8

Sienna: BookBlock Particle

Particle Content Item - Category [5%, 2%, se] Item - Intro [27%, 2%, se] Item - Content [48%, 2%, se] Item - Read More Label [60%, 2%, se] Item - Image [2%, 53%, se] Item - Image Title [73%, 65%, se] Item - Image Description [85%, 66%, se] Item - Name [12%, 2%, se] One important thing is that

Grav Documentation /docs/grav/themes/sienna/particle_book.md
Score 61.7

RokSprocket: Strips Layout Mode

The Separated theme gives each item in your widget its own content area, each with plenty of room for your image, title, and description content. The Cards theme is all about your images.

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/plugins/roksprocket/strips_mode.md
Score 57.8

RokSprocket: Strips Layout Mode

The Separated theme gives each item in your module its own content area, each with plenty of room for your image, title, and description content. The Cards theme is all about your images.

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/extensions/roksprocket/strips_mode.md
Score 56.9

Zenith: BookBlock Particle

Introduction The BookBlock particle enables you to present content in a way that mimics a book, with its own page turning animation and plenty of room for written and visual content.

Grav Documentation /docs/grav/themes/zenith/particle_book.md
Score 55.2

Zenith: BookBlock Particle

Introduction The BookBlock particle enables you to present content in a way that mimics a book, with its own page turning animation and plenty of room for written and visual content.

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/zenith/particle_book.md
Score 55.2

Zenith: BookBlock Particle

Introduction The BookBlock particle enables you to present content in a way that mimics a book, with its own page turning animation and plenty of room for written and visual content.

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/zenith/particle_book.md
Score 52.1

How to Update a RocketTheme Template

While we do not anticipate any issues involving our products, there is no reason to leave room for error.

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/platform/update_template.md