Martin Stepanek wrote:
Can you try to check your server error log to see the actual error message and file that is responsible for this error on your site? Also, can you try to check your server firewall to see if access to rockettheme update web site is disabled somehow? I would say that Admin tools is guilty for this kind of behavior.
Hi Martin:
Thanks for the prompt response!
Freed up a bit of time to do some investigating. :cheesy:
Server Error Log show no error relating to this - screen dump is below showing two only "File does not exist" errors:-
This image is hidden for guests.
Please log in or register to see it.
Since YooTheme Zoo was the last installed component, I disabled all parts of the Zoo package and cleared the cache, but got the same error when I attempted to access any RocketTheme Site template.
So, I disabled AdminTools and cleared the cache, but got the same error again when I attempted to access any RocketTheme Site template.
I then turned on Joomla! Error Reporting - [System] -> [Global Configuration] -> [Server] -> [Error Reporting = "Development"] but no errors were reported 
I then did a "Google" search on the Error message and found this link dated 3 October 2012 on Tracker Item ID = 29430
which suggests it may be an unresolved Joomla! bug?