Rae French wrote:
> There is absolutely no pressure to update Joomla 4
Mark, there is, unfortunately, a great deal of pressure to update on our side. I am hosting hundreds of Joomla sites. All of them were updated to 3.10.0 when that was released. Immediately following that update, Joomla is continually pushing out emails and notices to update to 4.0. This becomes problematic as the days wear on and people begin to stress about it. When clients are stressed, they begin to question that I may not be providing the most up-to-date service and then we start seeing people looking for hosting elsewhere. And it is hard enough to stay in business today with all of the other pressures from competitors.
Now this is the first time that I am hearing about RT looking for testers for Gantry 5.5. I will sign up for that to help move this along quicker. There is much at stake and I will help.
If your Joomla sites Joomla Update Channel is set to anything other than default, you will continually get those emails pushing you to upgrade to Joomla 4 - switch to Default update channel and you wont get them anymore...