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Sorry but.....

  • Sorry but.....

    Posted 7 years 2 months ago
    • After all these years, Rocket Theme Officially sucks. No more needed to say....
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    Re: Sorry but.....

    Posted 7 years 2 months ago
    • Do not say that, I think they are working on one of the best ever templates. And I think this time they integrate a loaders of particles.
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    Re: Sorry but.....

    Posted 7 years 2 months ago
    • Actually a lot more is needed to say... If you could enlighten about what you are unhappy with maybe we might have the opportunity to address it (at least for other members).

      We'd really like to know why you're unhappy.

      Regards, Mark.
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  • Re: Sorry but.....

    Posted 7 years 2 months ago
    • And I think this time they integrate a loaders of particles.

      I hope it will.

      A particle library is also needed.

      Layout template could be as extensive as in the InspireTheme templates.
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    Re: Sorry but.....

    Posted 7 years 2 months ago
    • Grzegorz Wójcik wrote:
      A particle library is also needed.

      It's on our list... it's just that our development resources are always stretched to the max...

      Regards, Mark.
    • The following users have thanked you: djSoft

    • Please search forums before posting. Please make sure your post includes the version of the CMS you are using and a link to the problem. Annotations on screenshots can also be helpful to explain problems/goals. Please use the "secure" tab for confidential information.
    • Ryan M Pierson's Avatar
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    Re: Sorry but.....

    Posted 7 years 2 months ago
    • MrT wrote:
      It's on our list... it's just that our development resources are always stretched to the max...

      Regards, Mark.

      I can't emphasize enough that we are a small team, and one that is in the middle of working on a lot of projects that are considered critical by the people that have requested them.

      Joomla 4 is coming, and we want to make sure we have products for it when it does get released. This means a lot of rewriting and updating code for the framework, themes, etc.

      This isn't a small undertaking, but we're also creating new templates, updating existing ones with features requested by the community, and more.
      Grzegorz Wójcik wrote:
      Layout template could be as extensive as in the InspireTheme templates.

      InspireTheme is great. I was talking to Ivo just the other day about how cool it is that they're using Gantry 5 as their framework of choice.

      I'm trying to understand though what you mean by the layout template not being extensive. Adding sections and positions to a layout is very simple with Gantry 5. Vertically, adding a section takes a few lines of YAML. Horizontally, there are unlimited positions available. You can even add vertical rows to a section with a click.

      Is there a particular feature that isn't available on our themes that I could pass along to the developers?
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    • Ryan Matthew Pierson / Technical Writer / Buda, TX USA
  • Re: Sorry but.....

    Posted 7 years 2 months ago
    • Yesterday I got from Ivo a particle which makes it possible to get a normal Joomla module (in my case a menu) sticky to a certain module position.
      Nothing spectacular like a new slideshow or whatever but very handy if you want to have a side menu getting sticky in sidebar-right.
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    Re: Sorry but.....

    Posted 7 years 2 months ago
    • Resources are stretched thin...while developing Grav and other extracurriculars.

      I'm only here to unsubscribe from topics that still generate emails from RT, which I no longer have interest in receiving.

      Take care, gantry fans!
    • R2ba5Aq4's Avatar
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    Re: Sorry but.....

    Posted 7 years 2 months ago
    • Hi,

      I think you design excellent templates and I really enjoy working with Gantry5. I would only recommend the following:

      1. Leverage your blog more effectively. Your blog is a great resource that contains useful information. Here's what I would do:

      a. Add a link to your blog above-the-fold in your main navigation.
      b. Write one or two short posts per week with updates on your current projects.
      c. Add a banner at the top of your website with a link to your latest post.
      d. Create a discussion at the bottom of the post to get useful feedback.

      The link to your blog in the footer is easily overlooked. Typically, I visit your website to see if a new template is released. If I don't see one, I leave. Why lose the traffic if you could redirect it to your blog and provide useful information on a new product or service? I imaging that customers will check back periodically within that 4 to 8 week period and if they don't find a new template (or if they don't receive useful information about the new template), then with a few keystrokes they will start exploring other alternatives --- even if RocketTheme would otherwise be their number one choice. Which leads me to my second recommendation:

      2. Disclose the intended vertical market that your upcoming template will target.

      The combination of the extended, indefinite release date and the policy of non-disclosure of information regarding your upcoming template makes it difficult to run a development business for which RocketTheme is the main provider of templates. The lack of predictability makes it a challenge to plan a project, since there is no way to know whether a template will be suitable for a project until it is released.

      In the past, RocketTheme templates were released on a regular, predictable basis that made it easy to plan. It wasn't necessary to disclose the nature of the upcoming template, because we could rely on a timely release and therefore plan accordingly. Today, with the extended, indefinite release date, it is important to provide information about the intended vertical market.

      I hope this information was helpful :)

      Thank you!
    • Ryan M Pierson's Avatar
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    Re: Sorry but.....

    Posted 7 years 2 months ago
    • Hello,

      Thanks for your feedback!

      I'll address your suggestion about the intended vertical market. Our themes are made to work with everything. Or, at least as many things as possible. That's how they've always been developed. During the design and coding phase, some ideas come out that do favor one industry over another. For example, the booking particles in Sienna favor travel agencies, venues, hotels, and restaurants. But, that doesn't mean that Sienna is actually used that way by many of the people that download it.

      I've seen some great corporate sites built on Sienna. It has elements that work great for education, personal portfolios, blogs, and more.

      This next theme we have coming doesn't have a defined vertical market at all. We don't and have never given previews of an upcoming theme, but I can give you some insight into how this one was conceptualized.

      I was watching Black Mirror. There's an episode called 'Nosedive' about social media ratings becoming a kind of currency. One thing stood out to me more than anything, the UI design of the social media website. Specifically, the way transparency was used.

      I pitched the idea to the team, and there is a hint of that design element in the new theme along with a bunch of other ideas and concepts that other members of the team brought forward.

      The new theme is not targeting people that want to create social media sites. On the contrary, there's nothing about our demo that screams "use me to create the next Facebook". But, if I wanted to, I could create a website that mimics some of the design elements of the interface used in that episode with minimal effort. I could also create a personal portfolio & blog (which I intend to do over a weekend) that doesn't look anything like it.

      The new theme looks like it would work great for photographers because we put a big image gallery in our demo. We have a pricing table that looks fantastic, too. This would be good for freelancers or online services like hosting providers. Bloggers will love some of the sliders we added.

      It's hard to define a vertical market before we find out how people are using it.
    • The following users have thanked you: Rik B, Gary Moore, R2ba5Aq4

    • Ryan Matthew Pierson / Technical Writer / Buda, TX USA

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