Re: Hmm...I wonder what the RocketTheme team has been up to?
Posted 16 years 5 months ago
For example, if you offered the ability to be rid of the 'curvy' elements which appear in the current design to have say a 'straight' design option / version, so to speak, you may see the template would not be bound by the design elements presented and other possibilities may be more available or desirable to other intentions / use.
Sounds like an idea for a bonus template.
Magento - phpBB3 - Kunena - RokBridge Specialist
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Re: Hmm...I wonder what the RocketTheme team has been up to?
Posted 16 years 5 months ago
Joseph Halleck wrote:
Sounds like an idea for a bonus template.
Hehe, either way it isn't that difficult to start doing it yourself. You have the source files, just de-curvify (I swear that is a word...honest) and reupload the images. All those curves are image based so shouldn't be too hard to place your stamp onto it.
Personally, I find more graphically apt templates such as MetaMorph allow you to customise it easier. Its easier to remove or edit than to add something new. You have all the code in place to manipulate those images so whatever purpose you need. Possibly just flat images but the possibility of something even more extraordinary
Re: Hmm...I wonder what the RocketTheme team has been up to?
Posted 16 years 4 months ago
Muhanad Habbal wrote:
this month .. the template is all about my project ..
and its gonna be education/ community based template i cant wait ..
Hmmmm...with all the new community components coming out (Joomunity, CB, and one not yet discussed on the street I am testing, but rocks), you may be on to something here...Populus Revisted.
Re: Hmm...I wonder what the RocketTheme team has been up to?
Posted 16 years 4 months ago
Terp wrote:
Hmmmm...with all the new community components coming out (Joomunity, CB, and one not yet discussed on the street I am testing...
What may that be?
Magento - phpBB3 - Kunena - RokBridge Specialist
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