@ Henning:
Misunderstandings always happen in forums unless you place a corresponding smiley at the end of every sentence or write a full paragraph that would otherwise request a single spoken sentence...thank you for explaining and please excuse my misunderstanding.
Henning wrote:
...Btw. to understand a bit more what drives RT and to get some insight into the "RT-spirit":
Thank you for sharing this link and here are some thoughts after watching the interview:
Rokgallery: I want to create a blog section "authoring" only from the front-end. I am hesitating between the core joomla articles and K2 + the newly redesigned commercial SIG-pro. What I do not like at all is to show authors the K2 and SIG-pro banners which I consider unpaid advertisement for them on my site... and really I would like a clean - advertisement free look. Can you have a chat with the devs and ask if we could have something similar to SIG-pro 3 features?
Forum: do you know if the forum migration to Kunena also means a new template section or a kunena template integrated in the upcoming new joomla templates?
Thank you Henning,
Kind regards