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Score 107.0

Paradigm: Recreating the Demo - What Our Customers Said

Preview Length ∞ Strip HTML Tags No Previews Per Page 1 Arrow Navigation Show Items Per Row 1 Pagination Hide Animation Fade Delayed Autoplay Disable Autoplay Delay 5 Image Resize Disable Article Item Example Option Setting

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/paradigm/demo_module_7.md
Score 50.0

Paradigm: Recreating the Demo

FP RokSprocket Showcase Utility Modules Template Features Gantry Framework Responsive Design What Our Customers Said Latest From the Blog Build Your Own Site Join Our Newsletter Get in Touch FP Footer Menu Mobile Ready is another module that appears on the front page of our demo.

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/paradigm/demo.md
Score 50.0

Paradigm: Recreating the Demo - Main Bottom

Option Setting Display Limit 2 Theme Default Preview Length ∞ Strip HTML Tags No Previews Per Page 1 Items Per Row 1 Arrow Navigation Show Pagination Hide Animation Fade Delayed Autoplay Disable Autoplay Delay 5 Image Resize

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/paradigm/demo_mainbottom.md
Score 47.7


name::padding-top:10px;|Firefox name-sub::Gecko Engine name-classes::class2 class3 button-text::Download button-text-sub::free button-text-link::http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/all.html So, as said earlier, we started writing a cell name::padding-top:10px;|Firefox.

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/plugins/rokfeaturetable/rokfeaturetable_use.md
Score 43.9


name::padding-top:10px;|Firefox name-sub::Gecko Engine name-classes::class2 class3 button-text::Download button-text-sub::free button-text-link::http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/all.html So, as said earlier, we started writing a cell name::padding-top:10px;|Firefox.

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/extensions/rokfeaturetable/rokfeaturetable_use.md
Score 39.1

Best Platform for Blogging

That said: There are many reasons to consider Drupal a viable candidate for your site's CMS. It is frequently used in high-traffic situations and has a multitude of customization points that allows you to turn it into whatever you want it to.

Wordpress Joomla Documentation /docs/technical_tips/blogging/best_platform_for_blogging.md
Score 38.5

Five Awesome Lorem Ipsum Alternatives

"I didn't bite him," said the Lion, as he rubbed his nose with his paw where Dorothy had hit it. "No, but you tried to," she retorted. "You are nothing but a big coward." "I know it," said the Lion, hanging his head in shame.

RocketTheme Articles /blog/reviews/118-five-awesome-lorem-ipsum-alternatives
Score 37.6

Gantry 5 Will Be Presented at J and Beyond 2015

"Gantry 5 has been the most inspiring PHP project I've ever been a part of," said Griese. "There are an abundance of concepts introduced in Gantry 5 that have never been done before. It is a groundbreaking framework in many ways." Matias is one of the lead developers of RocketTheme and Gantry 5.

Joomla Articles /blog/joomla/190-gantry-5-being-presented-at-j-and-beyond-2015
Score 36.7

Is Your Magento Site Due for a Checkup?

With this said, there is a level of maintenance required to keep a Magento site running at optimal levels. You want to make sure it stays updated, that your feature set is in line with what today’s consumers expect, pages load quickly and consistently across platforms, and that it remains secure.

Magento Articles /blog/team/213-is-your-magento-site-due-for-a-checkup
Score 30.9

RocketTheme's 2016 Year in Review

Over the past two months, Grav became the third CMS to be supported by the Gantry 5 framework.

Grav Joomla Wordpress Articles /blog/team/239-rockettheme-s-2016-year-in-review