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Score 50.9

Orion: User Stories Particle

Introduction The User Stories particle is a great way to display testimonials and other quotes from users, fans, etc.

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/orion/particle_userstories.md
Score 50.9

Orion: User Stories Particle

Introduction The User Stories particle is a great way to display testimonials and other quotes from users, fans, etc.

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/orion/particle_userstories.md
Score 49.2

How to Design Case Studies

Your case study should ideally not be more than 5 to 7 pages. If you have too much text, consider using images to replace the text - but keep your images light on words.

RocketTheme Articles /blog/design/264-how-to-design-case-studies
Score 44.6

RokSprocket: Layout Modes

Features Tabs Lists Mosaic Strips Headlines Grids Quotes Sliders Tables Layout Themes Layout themes allow for RokSprocket to have some variance of styling for each layout mode.

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/extensions/roksprocket/layout_modes.md
Score 42.5


Settings / Configurations Inline Article Previews Advanced Cumulative Filters Advanced Sorting Rules Individual Article Display Individual Article Controls Responsive Layout Modes Multiple Themes per Layout Layout Modes Features Headlines Mosaic Strips Tabs Lists Grids Tables Sliders Quotes

Joomla Products /joomla/extensions/roksprocket
Score 42.5


Settings / Configurations Inline Content Previews Advanced Cumulative Filters Advanced Sorting Rules Individual Content Display Individual Content Controls Responsive Layout Modes Multiple Layouts per Theme Layout Modes Features Headlines Mosaic Strips Tabs Lists Grids Tables Sliders Quotes

Wordpress Products /wordpress/plugins/roksprocket
Score 40.9


Twig Templating Powerful Particle System Visual Menu Editor MegaMenu Support Off-Canvas Panel Ajax Admin Layout Manager Inheritance System Fluid Width Option Fixed Width Option SCSS Support Sophisticated Fields Unlimited Undo/Redo Styles Panel Technical Requirements and Support Gantry 5

Joomla Products /component/rokface/reiko
Score 40.9


Framework HTML5, CSS3, SCSS WordPress 5.x Support WordPress 5.x RocketLauncher Supported Browsers Firefox Safari Chrome Opera Edge Server Requirements PHP 7.1+ Curl OpenSSL Libraries Multibyte String Support MySQL Reiko Reiko is the new sports-themed design from RocketTheme.

Wordpress Products /component/rokface/reiko
Score 40.9


Twig Templating Powerful Particle System Visual Menu Editor MegaMenu Support Off-Canvas Panel Ajax Admin Layout Manager Theme Inheritance Fluid Width Option Fixed Width Option SCSS Support Sophisticated Fields Unlimited Undo/Redo Styles Panel Technical Requirements and Support Gantry 5

Grav Products /component/rokface/reiko
Score 39.7

RokSprocket: Sliders Layout Mode

The Content Filter Rules section gives you the ability to determine how the module will pull content to make up the quotes. For example, you can have the module pull articles that are within a specific category, contain a particular name or keyword in the title, or choose specific articles.

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/extensions/roksprocket/sliders_mode.md