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Score 61.8

Interstellar: Recreating the Demo - Coming Soon Page

To do this, navigate to the Assignments administration panel within the Gantry 5 administrator, locate the desired pages you wish you have the Coming Soon page appear, and turn their toggles on. Once you have saved your changes, you can navigate to the front end of your site to check the results.

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/interstellar/comingsoon.md
Score 61.8

Photon: Recreating the Demo - Coming Soon Page

To do this, navigate to the Assignments administration panel within the Gantry 5 administrator, locate the desired pages you wish you have the Coming Soon page appear, and turn their toggles on. Once you have saved your changes, you can navigate to the front end of your site to check the results.

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/photon/comingsoon.md
Score 57.2

Isotope: FAQ

Adjusting the parallax effect in a section is also pretty straightforward. To do so, access the section's settings and create tag attributes data-enllax-ratio and data-enllax-type. The ratio can be assigned a numeric value just as the FlexSlider's can.

Grav Documentation /docs/grav/themes/isotope/faq.md
Score 56.1

Ionosphere: Recreating the Demo - Content Bottom

Content Bottom Section Here is the widget breakdown for the Content Bottom section: Text Text This Text widget is pretty simple and straightforward. You will need to enter the following in the main text field.

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/ionosphere/demo_contentbottom.md
Score 50.5

Isotope: FAQ

This is a very simple fix caused by a conflict between your style settings and the demo.css file which is loaded through the Custom CSS/JS atom found in the Page Settings tab within the Gantry 5 Administrator.

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/isotope/faq.md
Score 47.4

Isotope: FAQ

This is a very simple fix caused by a conflict between your style settings and the demo.css file which is loaded through the Custom CSS/JS atom found in the Page Settings tab within the Gantry 5 Administrator.

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/isotope/faq.md
Score 47.4

Graffito: Recreating the Demo - Extension

Set the Title Variation option to Title 1. Leaving everything else at its default setting, select Save. The widget should now be created and ready for use on the front page of your WordPress site.

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/graffito/demo_extension.md
Score 41.0

How to Use the Admin Panel Menu

Pretty much everything and anything relating to sales made on your site can be found in this menu. Catalog The Catalog menu is your primary stop for managing your product catalog.

Magento Documentation /docs/magento/start/menu.md
Score 37.0

Joomla Administrator

While the links on the main Dashboard / Control Panel take you to some of the more frequently visited areas within the administrative site, the Admin Menu can take you pretty much anywhere you need to go in one or two clicks. Here is an overview of the primary categories within this menu.

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/platform/administrator.md
Score 37.0

RocketTheme Purchasing Guide

For the Password, we recommend choosing one with at least the following: 6+ Characters 1+ Digits 1+ Special Characters (!@#$%^&*) 1+ Upper-case Letters 1+ Lower-case Letters You will also want to enter an email address you can check quickly in order to verify the account.

RocketTheme Documentation /docs/accounts_billing/purchase.md