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Score 44.1

Versla: Owl Carousel Particle

In Animation Sets the animation type as content is brought in. fadeIn is a popular option. Out Animation Sets the animation type as content is removed on the front end. fadeOut is a popular option. Prev Next Enables a previous / next switcher on the front end.

Grav Documentation /docs/grav/themes/versla/particle_owl.md
Score 44.1

Versla: Owl Carousel Particle

In Animation Sets the animation type as content is brought in. fadeIn is a popular option. Out Animation Sets the animation type as content is removed on the front end. fadeOut is a popular option. Prev Next Enables a previous / next switcher on the front end.

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/versla/particle_owl.md
Score 44.1

Versla: Owl Carousel Particle

In Animation Sets the animation type as content is brought in. fadeIn is a popular option. Out Animation Sets the animation type as content is removed on the front end. fadeOut is a popular option. Prev Next Enables a previous / next switcher on the front end.

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/versla/particle_owl.md
Score 42.8

Elixir: Flipster Cover Flow Particle

FadeIn Speed of the animation (in milliseconds) for items to fade in on page load. Loop Enable or Disable the loop around when the items reach the end of the list. Autoplay Enter the number of milliseconds between item switches on autoplay. 0 disables autoplay.

Grav Documentation /docs/grav/themes/elixir/particle_flipster.md
Score 41.6

Photon: Recreating the Demo - Expanded Section

Introduction Content Tabs [5%, 3%, se] Owl Carousel [5%, 63%, se] Simple Content [55%, 67%, se] The Showcase section includes three particles: Content Tabs, Owl Carousel, and Simple Content.

Grav Documentation /docs/grav/themes/photon/demo_expanded.md
Score 41.6

Photon: Owl Carousel Particle

In Animation Sets the animation type as content is brought in. fadeIn is a popular option. Prev Next Enables a previous / next switcher on the front end. Prev Text Allows you to set text that appears in the Previous switch on the front end.

Grav Documentation /docs/grav/themes/photon/particle_owl.md
Score 41.6

Elixir: Flipster Cover Flow Particle

FadeIn Speed of the animation (in milliseconds) for items to fade in on page load. Loop Enable or Disable the loop around when the items reach the end of the list. Autoplay Enter the number of milliseconds between item switches on autoplay. 0 disables autoplay.

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/elixir/particle_flipster.md
Score 41.6

Elixir: Flipster Cover Flow Particle

FadeIn Speed of the animation (in milliseconds) for items to fade in on page load. Loop Enable or Disable the loop around when the items reach the end of the list. Autoplay Enter the number of milliseconds between item switches on autoplay. 0 disables autoplay.

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/elixir/particle_flipster.md
Score 41.6

Photon: Recreating the Demo - Expanded Section

Introduction Content Tabs [5%, 3%, se] Owl Carousel [5%, 63%, se] Simple Content [55%, 67%, se] The Showcase section includes three particles: Content Tabs, Owl Carousel, and Simple Content.

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/photon/demo_expanded.md
Score 39.3

Acronym: Owl Showcase Particle

In Animation Sets the animation type as content is brought in. fadeIn is a popular option. Out Animation Sets the animation type as content is removed on the front end. fadeOut is a popular option. Prev Next Enables a previous / next switcher on the front end.

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/acronym/particle_owl.md