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Loop Enable or Disable looping of slides. Autoplay Enable or Disable autoplay for the particle. Autoplay Speed Set the speed (in milliseconds) of the particle's animation. Pause on Hover Enable or Disable the pause-on-hover effect for the particle.
Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/audacity/particle_imageslider.mdLoop Enable or Disable looping of slides. Autoplay Enable or Disable autoplay for the particle. Autoplay Speed Set the speed (in milliseconds) of the particle's animation. Pause on Hover Enable or Disable the pause-on-hover effect for the particle.
Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/audacity/particle_slider.mdLoop Enable or Disable looping of slides. Autoplay Enable or Disable autoplay for the particle. Autoplay Speed Set the speed (in milliseconds) of the particle's animation. Pause on Hover Enable or Disable the pause-on-hover effect for the particle.
Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/epsilon/particle_slider.mdLoop Enable or Disable looping of slides. Autoplay Enable or Disable autoplay for the particle. Autoplay Speed Set the speed (in milliseconds) of the particle's animation. Pause on Hover Enable or Disable the pause-on-hover effect for the particle.
Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/hadron/particle_stripsslider.mdLoop Enable or Disable looping. Speed Set the transition speed between slides. Centered Enable or Disable centered slides. Item Thumbs Enable or Disable item name thumbnails. Touch Move Enable or Disable touch-based control of slide movements.
Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/orion/particle_slider.mdItem 1 Link Blank Item 1 Link Text Blank Item 1 Target Self Item 1 Button Class Blank
Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/photon/demo_extension.mdLoop Enable or Disable looping. Autoplay Enable or Disable autoplay. Autoplay Speed Set the autoplay speed (in milliseconds) Pause on Hover Enable or Disable pause on hover. Item Options These items make up the individual featured items in the particle.
Grav Documentation /docs/grav/themes/anacron/particle_testimonial.mdLoop Enable or Disable looping of slides. Autoplay Enable or Disable autoplay for the particle. Autoplay Speed Set the speed (in milliseconds) of the particle's animation. Pause on Hover Enable or Disable the pause-on-hover effect for the particle.
Grav Documentation /docs/grav/themes/audacity/particle_imageslider.mdLoop Enable or Disable looping of slides. Autoplay Enable or Disable autoplay for the particle. Autoplay Speed Set the speed (in milliseconds) of the particle's animation. Pause on Hover Enable or Disable the pause-on-hover effect for the particle.
Grav Documentation /docs/grav/themes/audacity/particle_slider.mdLoop Enable or Disable looping of slides. Autoplay Enable or Disable autoplay for the particle. Autoplay Speed Set the speed (in milliseconds) of the particle's animation. Pause on Hover Enable or Disable the pause-on-hover effect for the particle.
Grav Documentation /docs/grav/themes/epsilon/particle_slider.md