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Score 42.5

Sirocco: Coming Soon

f=850&t=216272&rb_v=viewtopic'>this tutorial</a> for more information." RT_COMINGSOON_SUBSCRIPTION_TITLE="Get Notified When We Release" RT_AUTHORIZED_LOGIN_MESSAGE="This feature hides your Joomla site behind the Coming Soon page with its Countdown timer.

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/sirocco/comingsoon.md
Score 41.6

Looking Forward to Joomla 4 and Beyond

Gantry 4 Templates Coming to Gantry 5 Joomla 4 is expected to break all backwards compatibility for existing Joomla 3x templates that don’t undergo a major overhaul prior to its release.

Joomla Articles /blog/joomla/277-looking-forward-to-joomla-4-and-beyond
Score 41.3

How to Choose the Perfect WordPress Theme for Your Business Website?

It doesn’t matter what type and demographics of a website you have, it is essential for all types of websites to be responsive and completely mobile friendly.

Wordpress Articles /blog/wordpress/251-how-to-choose-the-perfect-wordpress-theme-for-your-business-website
Score 40.4

Kirigami: Recreating the Demo - Footer

</p> <p><img src="http://demo.rockettheme.com/wordpress-themes/wp_kirigami/wp-content/rockettheme/rt_kirigami_wp/frontpage/general/logo-footer.png" alt="image" /></p> <p class="nomarginbottom">t: 1 (888) 123-4567</p> <p>e: kirigami@<span>no-contact.com

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/kirigami/demo_footer.md
Score 39.9

WordPress SEO Plugins Compared: Yoast SEO and All IN One SEO

However, this plugin doesn’t have the content analysis tool. Verdict – Both of these plugins work on excellently to help you edit how your site appears in the search engine results.

Wordpress Articles /blog/wordpress/260-wordpress-seo-plugins-compared-yoast-seo-and-all-in-one-seo
Score 38.6

Voxel: Recreating the Demo - Footer

</p> <h4 class="smallmarginbottom">VOXEL</h4> <span>t: 1 (888) 123-4567</span><br /> <span>e: voxel&#64;contact.com</span> Here is a breakdown of options changes you will want to make to match the demo. Set the Title to Demo Images.

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/voxel/demo_footer.md
Score 38.5

Five Awesome Lorem Ipsum Alternatives

Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet ground round pastrami rump, t-bone pork belly tenderloin frankfurter salami landjaeger tail shoulder. Tongue pork loin bresaola brisket, sausage spare ribs drumstick pig. Tongue biltong turducken, hamburger boudin pork belly jerky t-bone chuck flank pork chop.

RocketTheme Articles /blog/reviews/118-five-awesome-lorem-ipsum-alternatives
Score 36.9

Visage: Recreating the Demo - Footer

<em class="bold nobold"> <span>1234 South Street</span> <br> <span>San Francisco CA 00000</span> <br> <span>United States</span> <br><br> <span>T 1 (555) 555-555</span> <br> <span>F 1 (555) 555-555</span>

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/visage/demo_footer.md
Score 33.6

Five Great Sources for Premium Stock Photos

The category number determines the cost (in credits) of an image, ranging from 1 credit to 10 credits for a standard license and 25 to 100 credits for an expanded license. 1 credit is $1 USD.

RocketTheme Articles /blog/reviews/150-five-great-sources-for-premium-stock-photos
Score 32.2

10 Essentials to Create Perfect SEO Optimized Content for your Websites

This will improve your conversion in a huge way. 6. Semantic Search We all know that search engine’s algorithms are constantly updated and improved to make the experience of the end user smoother and smoother.

RocketTheme Articles /blog/design/259-10-essentials-to-create-perfect-seo-optimized-content-for-your-websites