
The Sliding Menu particle initiates a from-the-side menu - even on desktop environments. It's a mobile-first approach to web design that keeps your website looking clean with a focus on content.
Here are the topics covered in this guide:
Main Options
These options affect the main area of the particle, and not the individual items within.

Option |
Description |
Particle Name |
Enter the name you would like to assign to the particle. This only appears in the back end. |
Menu |
Select the menu you wish to have appear in the sliding menu. |
Base Item |
Choose between the Active item and any other pages to use as base. |
Animation |
Choose an animation that fires when you activate the menu. |
Start Level |
Choose your starting menu level. |
Max Levels |
Choose the maximum depth the menu will display. |
Render Titles |
Activate or disable title rendering. |
Expand on Hover |
Activate or disable Expand on Hover. |
Force Target Attribute |
Activate or disable forced target attributes. |