Re: Pages not loading when enabling SEF and .htaccess
Posted 14 years 2 months ago
You can also just use the core Joomla blog and article layouts and use RokComments for the commenting system. I think RokComments is a very nice looking commenting system compared to others and there are options for login...
When you're checking out the template demos, look under the "J! Stuff" menu item for the category blog layouts to get a basic idea of the blog layouts of core joomla, but remember that a lot of the gantry templates offer various article title styling, box styling, and author info styling that can be mixed and matched.
Re: Pages not loading when enabling SEF and .htaccess
Posted 14 years 2 months ago
Thanks for that Ben.
SuperBlogger states that all SEFs need to be turned on in order to work. I tried various configurations of SBlogger on and SEF off, and so on, and nothing worked.
I installed Rok Comments as it seemed the easiest solution, but it came with this warning....
NOTICE: RokComments requires Joomla SEF to be turned on for this plugin to function properly and interact reliably with these comment systems. This is because the comments are associated with the URL and non-SEF URLs with & in them are truncated by these systems.
It just doesn't seem to work without SEFs
I've also tried using the Disqus plug-in on its own - no go.
I contacted the host for help and they muttered something about getting Joomla support to do some coding for me - ha! Sadly, this guy has only recently paid out for hosting with web-mania.
I am also building another site (not hosted by web-mania) and the SEFs all work fine, but the CSS went crazy - I turned off SuperBlogger and it worked fine again! I guess I need to look into that a bit more too.