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NookieNotes.com - Populus

  • Re: NookieNotes.com - Populus

    Posted 17 years 1 month ago
    • Heather: To elaborate further on the teaser comment above;
      I believe that maybe providing a partial nookienote followed by a registration nudge may be more productive/seducing to gain registrants.
      Right now when you click "try a free sample click here" on the frontpage it takes you straight to
      "You are not authorised to view this resource.
      You need to login." with a random comment beneath it. No direct link to register to view the free sample or other instructions.

      With some browsing through the site I did find a partial note in the blog section, and I understand the child friendly adult nature of the site.
      ( I have some very strict rules when I do any kind of erotica/adult sites for clients including a landing/warning page containing nothing naked before entering site etc.)

      So in keeping with a constructive criticism comment: you may need to experiment/tweak the teaser a bit for optimal results. Give it a KISS so to speak.... :-*
    • Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.
  • Re: NookieNotes.com - Populus

    Posted 17 years 1 month ago
    • Sure, THANK YOU. That link on the home page SHOULD have taken you directly to the registration page, and now does. All three of the other "Try a FREE Sample" links on the home page do, except that one, LOL!

      Onther thing I am working on is putting styled HTML into the "You are not authorized" include. I'd really like this to be a page that explains our policy further and directs them to the registration...

      So, I think I am headed in the direction that you are suggesting, I just had a bit of a tree blocking the path with that innaccurate link! :D

      Thanks again! This is exactly what I need!
    • --
      Heather M. Claus
      www.nookienotes.com/index.php <--- in development
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    Re: NookieNotes.com - Populus

    Posted 17 years 1 month ago
  • Re: NookieNotes.com - Populus

    Posted 17 years 1 month ago
    • Very nice, impressive mod!

      Question: What host do you use? Or perfer?

      Having hosting problems myself.

  • Re: NookieNotes.com - Populus

    Posted 17 years 1 month ago
    • GollumX - LMAO! Thanks!

      Thank you, Phillip... The host I prefer is WestHost They are not only inexpensive, but they have amazing service. That is not who I am using for this site, and I am still looking for that level of service in a company that allows "adult content," but WestHost has been wonderful, with 24 hour PHONE support, if you need it.


      If you do go with them, tell them Heather Claus at upgradeco.com recommended you...
    • --
      Heather M. Claus
      www.nookienotes.com/index.php <--- in development
  • Re: NookieNotes.com - Populus

    Posted 17 years 3 weeks ago
    • So, how is www.servage.net ??? or are you close to finding a good adult content hosting company? I have a sister site project that is geared towards adult content...the last company I used was a pain...service was great, but their server setup sucked. (They were concerned about hackers...)

      I still have a hard time reviewing the site - its like going to a chick flick or taking a girl shopping for shoes (well, shoes, clothes etc...). Why women want a man to go shopping with them is beyond me?!?!?!?! :P Makes me want to run, but other than that it is a great site... ;D ;) Nice look...although it feels a little off...it feels like the home page should be reversed. It's that right to left thingy...but hey...I am a man - what do I know? ::) :P
    • "You can learn a lot from a dummy. So, pay attention to yourself." Quote by me.
  • Re: NookieNotes.com - Populus

    Posted 17 years 3 weeks ago
    • So, how is www.servage.net ???

      They suck, quite frankly. :)
      or are you close to finding a good adult content hosting company? I have a sister site project that is geared towards adult content...the last company I used was a pain...service was great, but their server setup sucked. (They were concerned about hackers...)

      Well I have had a few recommendations, so when I decide, I will let you know. My investor and I have held off launch for a few reasons, so it has not yet been imperative...
      I still have a hard time reviewing the site - its like going to a chick flick or taking a girl shopping for shoes (well, shoes, clothes etc...). Why women want a man to go shopping with them is beyond me?!?!?!?! :P

      LOL! William, I have a story about that... it just might change your tune on the shopping thing! :D
      Makes me want to run, but other than that it is a great site... ;D ;) Nice look...although it feels a little off...it feels like the home page should be reversed. It's that right to left thingy...but hey...I am a man - what do I know? ::) :P

      Like the modules should be on the right, like in Sporticus? Hmmm. It may be a man thingy (or a WIlliam thingy), as that has yet to be a factor in any of the reviews I have gotten...

      Thanks, William!
    • --
      Heather M. Claus
      www.nookienotes.com/index.php <--- in development
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    Re: NookieNotes.com - Populus

    Posted 17 years 3 weeks ago
    • "It is not advisable, James, to venture unsolicited opinions. You should spare yourself the embarrassing discovery of their exact value to your listener." -Ayn

      Awesome modification of the RT template; not that I expected anything less from a woman who likes both nookie and Ayn. :)
  • Re: NookieNotes.com - Populus

    Posted 17 years 3 weeks ago
    • Terp, Thank you! You managed to pick on of my favorite quotes, give me a new quote to like AND compliment me int he same post... Impressive, LOL!

      Really, thank you for the post. ;)
    • --
      Heather M. Claus
      www.nookienotes.com/index.php <--- in development
  • Re: NookieNotes.com - Populus

    Posted 17 years 3 weeks ago
    • Absolutely AMAZING modification. How long did it take you to modify the template? It doesn't even look like Populus anymore.
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