Re: Zankye Web Dev - MixxMag with Live Video Conference
Posted 15 years 10 months ago
OK - Fernando,
I got SlideShowPro for Lightroom and SlideShowPro Director. I have director loaded up onto my server. Now, any ideas how I get a slideshow into an article within my MixxMag? Once I get this part done, I'm home! I've been trying to find some instruction on how to embed the slideshow into an article, but not having luck.
I downloaded Easy SSP and I got it into my Joomla/MixxMag as a module. I was just going through this tutorial here:
To create a module position for EasySSP, you will need to open You should see an array of predefined positions such as:
Save the file and upload. We have just created the "easyssp" module position.
Now you can create a content item within a category or a static content item if you prefer, and within the wysiwyg editor box just type {loadposition easyssp}. Go back to the Module Manager as described in the second part of step one in the documentation and make sure the EasySSP module is published in the "easyssp" position.
I followed the directions by opening my web browser and typing in:
and create a new article in Joomla call whatever you want and paste this code. I do suggest not to use any editor in joomla, because it will screw up the flash code.
After you create the article go to menu manager and create a menu to link to the article that you just created.
Upload the flash file (swf) to the root folder and everything should work.
Re: Zankye Web Dev - MixxMag with Live Video Conference
Posted 15 years 10 months ago
OH! Just saw your last post (I was probably editing while you were typing). I'll see if I can do what you said. I might not get to it until tomorrow tho. But I'll post here as soon as I try it, no matter what the results! Thanks!
Re: Zankye Web Dev - MixxMag with Live Video Conference
Posted 15 years 10 months ago
I have not tried this's getting late here and I have some apts in the AM tomorrow so I might put this off. However, I have read through your post carefully, and I have a few questions before I try this:
1st question:
"You should have a html file that Lightroom created for you. You need to edit this file even with notepad and copy from:"
OK - where would I find this file? Is it on my computer? Is it on my server, and if so, where? How do I get to it to edit it?
2nd question:
Is that the individual movie that I make using SSP? Do have have to do this for each article that I create for each product?
3rd question:
I notice the size parameters in this code. Do I have to make sure that the "player" that is in that file is that same size?
4th question:
Will this place the player at the top center of the article, just under the basic heading? Can I then type text underneath the player?
I think that's all for now. I'm going to try this as soon as I can (and as soon as I get your response). It DOES seem like SSP Director should just take care of all of this, but I guess that it doesn't (yet). I hope it works! If it does, I'm going to be REALLY proud of myself.
Re: Zankye Web Dev - MixxMag with Live Video Conference
Posted 15 years 10 months ago
The dimensions on the sample code are not the dimensions that you should use, those were just part of an example.
Let me tell you that I don't use Slideshow for Lightroom, but on the website of Slideshow and referring to light room says:
[*]No Flash (or Flash experience for that matter) required. Everything is self-contained and ready to export locally or upload to your web site.[*]
[*]SlideShowPro for Lightroom constructs all the requisite files necessary for viewing in a web browser. You either export your slideshow to a folder on your hard drive (then manually upload it to your web site or add to Dreamweaver), or enter your web site's FTP information directly into Lightroom for direct uploading. Either way, there's nothing to code, and your content can display from any web server[*]
Meaning that From Lightroom it creates everything that you need.
If you need to publish as a module you simply copy and paste the code for the module you want and select in each pages you want your visitors to see .
If you don't know the position of the modules where you wnat to publish do on your template main page the following:
Re: Zankye Web Dev - MixxMag with Live Video Conference
Posted 15 years 10 months ago
Thanks. I'm going see if I can sort this out over the next 36 hours or so. I want to publish them to the "featured" spot on the specific articles.
It DOES seem that it should be straightforward, so I need to take the info that you have given me (thanks SO much) and the info on the various sites and see if I can make it work.
Hopefully, I'll be posting you a link to a working page before long!
Re: Zankye Web Dev - MixxMag with Live Video Conference
Posted 15 years 10 months ago
Hi, Fernando! Much help still needed!
It took me all weekend to get some sort of grip on SSP for lightroom and SSP Director. I finally have a slideshow pretty much correct. Here is the link to view it:
Unfortunately, their learning curve (like most Adobe stuff I have used) is steep and their forums and wiki really aren't that good for the beginner. However, I got it done, so I'm happy about that.
I just tried to put this slideshow in the article that I made, following your instructions, but it didn't work. Here is all of the info that I can give to you, and maybe you can tell me where I went wrong, because nothing at all happened.
This is my info:
1) folder on the root: I created a separate file on my root for this slideshow, and I'll continue to create a new on for each slideshow, since I'll need one for each product. This folder is on the root here:
if I look inside that folder, I'm not sure exactly which file is the swf that I need. Inside that folder there are the following files that end in .swf:
OK. That's all the info that I know how to give you. So what I did was create an article in my MixxMag site. I copied what you told me to (up above) into my textedit app (mac equivalent of notepad) and then made the following changes:
I then went into my global administrator and turned OFF the WSYWIG editor. I opened the article that I wanted to put this in, and pasted EXACTLY what you see above. I clicked on "apply" and went to preview. Nothing.
and click on "products" in the main menu, then choose "Sling Sink", this is where the slideshow should be but isn't.
What am I doing wrong?
I DO agree that this would be the best way to do this because of wanting to insert different slideshows into different static articles, but I've got to get this slideshow in there.
Re: Zankye Web Dev - MixxMag with Live Video Conference
Posted 15 years 10 months ago
Hello again.
Thanks for your progress. On Friday i downloaded both trial of Lightroom and the plugin from slideshow pro for director.
The difference between using Flash cs 4 with slideshow pro and lightroom with the plugin is that flash cs4 outputs only one file swf plus the html file (This were the instructions I was refering to), and lightroom produces a few files (expressinstall.swf, loader.swf, pop.swf,slideshowpro.swf) make difficult to insert into a page or module because it outputs in100% width and Height centered.
Let me read more in the forums and wiki how to output only with the right dimensions, so it can be inserted into a page or module.
I don't know if any other members here at the forum, are familiar more with Lightroom and ssp_director, that can help.