Re: Zankye Web Dev - MixxMag with Live Video Conference
Posted 15 years 9 months ago
WoW! That link is very cool, indeed. Weird. The title that I can't get rid of is sitting right where there is a dead space on the demo. It is sitting between "inset" and "inset2". On the MixxMag demo that is sort of a blank area. My annoying title MIGHT be part of "inset", but I can't be sure. Hmmm.
I'm using Joomla 1.5, and I'll go back and check ALL of the articles, categories, sections, modules and menus again, but I've done that several times and have had no luck so far.
That link is a GREAT trick. I need to post it up for the other newbies.
Re: Zankye Web Dev - MixxMag with Live Video Conference
Posted 15 years 9 months ago
That's the problem! There is NO "HOME" anywhere in my menu editor or main menu items list!
going through my site systematically, looking for this "" title that I can't seem to remove:
1) I am currently in Article Manager. I have a total of 26 articles, all of which are assigned a category and section, except 1 (our contact info). Not one of the 26 articles is published to the front page. I don't think that this title is connected to an existing article.
2) I am now in Menu Manager. There is only one menu listed, and that is "Main Menu". For "Main Menu" there is the following information in the chart:
Title = Main Menu
type - mainmenu
# Published = 17
# Unpublished = 1
# Trash = 3
# Modules = 1
ID = 1
If I choose "Main Menu" and then click on "edit", I am at the screen that only has 3 items: Unique Name (mainmenu), Title (Main Menu) and Description (The main menu for the site). There are no choices here whatsoever. I will hit "cancel".
I am back at Menu Manager. If I now choose "Main Menu" and click on the icon under Menu Items, I am taken to the Menu Item Manager: [mainmenu]
I have 16 items in this Menu Item Manager. There are 4 Top-Level items which are:
"Are You..."
This has 5 sub-items which are: Military? click here, EMS/FIRE/ MASS CASUALTY?, HORSE/ANIMAL LOVER?, Backpacker? Outfitter?, Cluttered?
No sub-items yet
No sub-items yet.
The only items in the Menu Item Manager that is on the Front Page is "ARE YOU...".
There is no items marked "home" anywhere in the menus so far as I can see.
3) I am now at "Trash Manager". It is empty.
4) On to "Front Page Manager". It, too, is empty.
5) Section Manager shows 4 total sections which are: User Direction, Our Products, Under Construction, and Products RokFeature-Section (not active). The first three are all published, but have no images, descriptions, or anything else that would direct them to put that title box in. Very simple.
6) Category Manager shows 5 categories: Our Products, Products RokFeature -Category, Under Construction, RokFeature, User Direction Category. All are published and linked to a section. All are very simple with no images, descriptions, etc.
7) In "Components" I have: Banners (completely empty), Contacts (completely empty), JCE
Administration (filled as loaded, I guess), News Feeds (completely empty), Polls (completely empty), Search (completely empty), Web Links (completely empty).
In Module Manager, I have 14 modules. I don't want to list everything here. Let's just say that i have gone through every module, and I am not seeing anything that might place that titlebar on the front page.
There is a lot more going on under the "Extensions" dropdown. I have gone through everything in there to the best of my ability, but still don't see why this title-bar is still there.
Re: Zankye Web Dev - MixxMag with Live Video Conference
Posted 15 years 9 months ago
OK - did what you said, and, yes, the "Are You" IS the default main page. I chose "no" on the "show article title" BUT the "" is STILL on my frontpage. The weird thing is that it is sitting BELOW the RokFeature, which is in the "featured" position. I just don't get where this title is coming from.
It's not the end of the world if I never get rid of it, but it bothers me that I don't know/ understand why it is there, and I can't change it if I want.
Re: Zankye Web Dev - MixxMag with Live Video Conference
Posted 15 years 9 months ago
Hello can you check on your extensions-->Breadcrumbs - Edit->>Module Parameters-->Show Home what do you have checked? Show Home YES/NO what about in Module Class Suffix what do you have.? promo? Let me know . Take Care
Re: Zankye Web Dev - MixxMag with Live Video Conference
Posted 15 years 9 months ago
OK - In Breadcrumbs "Show Home" is marked as "yes"
Module Class Suffix is empty
OK - we may be onto something with regards to the "ARE YOU..." menu item.
First, there is no article associated with this. It IS a Front Page Blog Layout. In the Parameters (Component), the "Show Article Title" is marked as "no". Everything else is "Use Global".
I may be away from the computer until tomorrow AM. I hope I can get these details solved!
Re: Zankye Web Dev - MixxMag with Live Video Conference
Posted 15 years 9 months ago
Basically, you and everyone else were right about the extra title on my frontpage - I was just too confused to follow the directions. Finally solved!
The breadcrumb issue seems to be tied up to the fact that those particular article pages aren't really associated with anything. I'm trying to work that out now.
Could I get an opinion from you? Take a look at this page, please:
I don't really love the way that I have this page done, but I'm not sure about a better way to go about it. I need to keep it simple so that if customers end up on this page, they can get right to the item that they want. What is your feeling about this page? I think that it looks pretty amaturish compared to the rest of the site. I started to do this page using a RokFeature, but that was TOO complicated.