I did not doubt your resolve my friend.
Glad to hear your back on your feet!
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I had a very good meeting with my Dr. on Friday. He explained that my Sister's cells have totally taken-over and working perfectly! The process next is this: As my /sister's cells begin to make new cells (mine) they will slowly take over at the same rate in which her's will die. Eventually, I will have 100% new bone-marrow of my own!
Man! I am feeling great! I am so optimistic that this is going to work!
Wow! What a difference! I feel like a new man already!
Still a ways-to-go!
Your Pal,
"Everyone has to get knocked-down every once-in-a-while, otherwise you'll never learn how to get-back-up!
" A quote attributed to my Grandpa Wagers
I had Doctor appt. on Sunday and my Dr. had plenty of time for me. I took the opportunity to ask some pretty tough questions. 1. Right now I have to avoid UV light. Will this be forever or just a certain period of time? answer: "You will have to avoid UV exposure for the rest of your life! Then he gave me this example:: "An earlier patient went home after a successful transplant and died on-the-lake during a fishing tournament. He was one-and-a-half years post transplant." 2. So, I will never be able to play golf again or work in my yard? answer: "You could do it early in the morning or late in the evening. Nothing "mid-day!" 3. Right now I am almost 42yrs. old. What is the likelihood of my living to see the age of 82? answer: Not very good! Most people develop "secondary diseases" like heart, lung, and liver problems. 4. I thought this transplant was supposed to be "a cure," was I wrong? answer: "The transplant is gonna to cure your MDS, but the toll it puts on the rest of your body is the issue.
I am VERY DEPRESSED and "Bummed-Out! It's like all my hopes were just flushed down the toilet!
So, as of today, I am committing myself to living every day as if it were "my last!"
your pal,
Robert D. Wagers