Hey I'm back my name is Karl from Costa Mesa CA. I started working with Joomla back in the 1.0 days of Joomla. Rockettheme was one of the first Template companies I joined. I learned a lot my joining this club. I have gone to 4 Joomla Days and meet a lot of Key People who founded and developed it in the beginning at the events except for Andy ( I wish I could have meet you at one of the events ). I started my fist business in 1972 after I dropped out of high school to go intro business. I always learned by doing and building things. I manufactured and traveled the USA with products made in America at Trade Shows, Events and State Fairs. I have always been a forward thinker and jumped in on new things. That is what I did when I learned about Joomla. Here is a Classic Movie I did in 2009 at a Joomla Days Then in 2010 I went to the first World Joomla Days did this video, If you look at some of the people in the videos you will see some Key Joomla developers. - I always thought the CMS as a way to broadcast and connect people. That is what always intrigued be with the internet in the first place. I started a new project LambCottage, I have always been into change. From protesting Vietnam War or all wars in fact. To when I bought a home in 2005 and lost it after the crash, so I worked with the Occupy movement to bring about change ( I had no other way to get back at the Banks that robbed everyone who bought a home at that time.) Well some things work and then they don't but change is something you can't escape. Now I work as a free lancer in Orange County where I was born and raised with small business owners helping to promote their companies in media made for the internet. I started a organization that is part of what I do called Lambcottage the resource, recycling and homeless project in Orange County built with Joomla you can check out my crazy idea at
Well here to learn more from the community – It's all good hello world
I'm From: Basingstoke, UK I found RT when: Back when Mambo was a thing. For a living I: Develop with Django/Golang/PHP The best film I've ever seen is: Armageddon On the iPod right now and always will be: DJ Cotts The thing I'd like most to do, right now, that I haven't done is: Probably start a verbal conversation, im a bit quiet. Something I'm really proud of is: My four year old daughter Favorite Hobbies: Tennis, driving, days out, visiting historical sites. Favorite Foods: Pizza, cheeseburgers, roast potatos.