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Must Joomla Extensions all be GNU/GPL? Have your say.

  • Re: Must Joomla Extensions all be GNU/GPL? Have your say.

    Posted 17 years 1 month ago
    • Like a Java Photo viewer? I could be wrong but I can't see a drama with that. If it's loaded in the browser, and pointed at an xml file or a url, it's not being compiled in the same space as the PHP (well, dah, it's on the client) so I can't see how it could be considered a linked work.

      I think the "open" is important to everyone. I've certainly been convicted in the error of my ways thinking encoding was acceptable. A mate of mine mentioned there is a possible way around things through contract law, which can take precedence over the license. If that's true, then we still have on huluva mess with existing distributions, but it may afford be an option for all the 1.5 stuff (which theoretically is waiting in the wings to be released). It sounds promising so I'll let you know when I know more.

      See, you could release Joomla under the BSD tomorrow, and the next day someone can take that, compile it and distribute that commercially without ever releasing the source. Suddenly you have dozens of Joomla clones diluting the original brand. Will the real Joomla! please stand up ... and which incarnation does a 3PD develop for. I really worry though about having a permissive license, not for the little guys that are going to do the right thing, but for bigger fish that will take advantage of it. Miro tried once, and it's former CEO had a second go, and we have people on our forums who are only in it for the business angle and really don't get open source.

      Anyway, when they bring down their statement hopefully we have less "what ifs" to deal with and can adequately work the issues.
    • Andrew Eddie
      The Art of Joomla - A Joomla Magazine - www.theartofjoomla.com
      JXtended - Empowering the Web - jxtended.com
  • Re: Must Joomla Extensions all be GNU/GPL? Have your say.

    Posted 17 years 1 month ago
    • Yup.

      Thanks for your time here Andrew. :)
      I appreciate it, and it has given me a lot to think about.
    • www.ninjoomla.com - The Ninjoomla Open Source Extension Club
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    • spacewalk's Avatar

    Re: Must Joomla Extensions all be GNU/GPL? Have your say.

    Posted 17 years 1 month ago
    • Andrew Eddie wrote:
      spacewalk wrote:
      Can you simply spell out the position that you feel is proper for a commercial developer to take?
      Ah, I so wanted to be an astronaut when I was little :)

      I can't really say what's proper, but I can tell you what I'm going to do - at least so much as I've worked out the details.

      I guess the astronaut comment was about my naiveté (or was it just about my avatar?), but your answer helped greatly, thank you. I think your idea of adding lots of non-GPL value (support site, tutorials, manuals) for paying customers is good and will work for the majority of users. I, for one, will be happy to do business with you.

      Can vendors of "commercial GPL" software include a large bold statement on their Config and About pages that makes clear its status wherever it travels? I ask because I think most site developers and software integrators (maybe because of Creative Commons, and music) have evolved greatly about rights issues in recent years, and they're ready for something resembling ethics. Not everybody, of course. But in my experience, most pros and semi-pros are willing to respect the intentions of the creators. If they could see clearly that the intention was "commercial GPL with great support" I think it would help.

      I'm happy to hear about your specific projects. I mentioned that I bought iJoomla. I did, but I don't use it. I find it very badly designed, ugly and difficult to use. The Azrul products, however, are very nice.

      Hey, now that you've solved the ACL problem, could you smite the ItemID problem, too? :)
    • Last Edit: 17 years 1 month ago by .
  • Re: Must Joomla Extensions all be GNU/GPL? Have your say.

    Posted 17 years 1 month ago
    • Serious, I did want to be an astronaut :)

      re watermarking - I believe there is scope for that. I could watermark with a copyright notice that I allow you to remove because you paid for it. Could work.

      ItemID is nailed in 1.5 (well, almost, hehe).
    • Andrew Eddie
      The Art of Joomla - A Joomla Magazine - www.theartofjoomla.com
      JXtended - Empowering the Web - jxtended.com
    • spacewalk's Avatar

    Re: Must Joomla Extensions all be GNU/GPL? Have your say.

    Posted 17 years 1 month ago
    • Andrew Eddie wrote:
      Serious, I did want to be an astronaut :)

      re watermarking - I believe there is scope for that. I could watermark with a copyright notice that I allow you to remove because you paid for it. Could work.

      ItemID is nailed in 1.5 (well, almost, hehe).

      Apparently, I wanted to be an astronaut, too. :) Watermarking: that's the word. ItemID: Well, the epic ItemID thread in the Joomla forums led me to believe that 1.5 would not address ACL at all, and that the ItemID concept would remain where it stands in 1.0.12 (which makes module placement--i.e., page layout--on site-sections very hard if not impossible). So I'm happy to hear it. RocketWerx: brains and power and style. Nice.
  • Re: Must Joomla Extensions all be GNU/GPL? Have your say.

    Posted 17 years 1 month ago
    • Andy Miller's Avatar
    • Andy Miller
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    Re: Must Joomla Extensions all be GNU/GPL? Have your say.

    Posted 17 years 1 month ago
    • beat me to the punch andrew :)
  • Re: Must Joomla Extensions all be GNU/GPL? Have your say.

    Posted 17 years 1 month ago
    • Ooops, my bad. Sorry.
    • Andrew Eddie
      The Art of Joomla - A Joomla Magazine - www.theartofjoomla.com
      JXtended - Empowering the Web - jxtended.com
    • Andy Miller's Avatar
    • Andy Miller
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    • Web Kahuna

    Re: Must Joomla Extensions all be GNU/GPL? Have your say.

    Posted 17 years 1 month ago
    • no worries.. Hopefully this will answer folks questions..
  • Re: Must Joomla Extensions all be GNU/GPL? Have your say.

    Posted 17 years 1 month ago
    • Overall I am happy with the result.

      An earlier indication that support would be forthcoming would have been nice though.

      Although I don't know the specifics, 2 developers have already pulled out of Joomla because of this. :o Darn it I use both of those components on different sites.

      * Clexus PMS - clexus.com
      * JBAM - jbam.joomlasolutions.com

      Both have announcements on their site that they are no longer distributing their components due to this issue.
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