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Must Joomla Extensions all be GNU/GPL? Have your say.

    • Adrian Cooper's Avatar
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    Re: Must Joomla Extensions all be GNU/GPL? Have your say.

    Posted 17 years 1 week ago
    • Amy Stephen wrote:
      Dan - I'm very happy with the Joomla! community. I have had the honor to meet many of the Joomla! core team and I will tell you this --> I like these people. I am impressed by their dedication. I am amazed by their intellect and vision for Joomla!. And, I find them to be amongst the most interesting, fun, positive, intelligent and ethical people that I know. I am honored by being a community member in their project.

      People may not disagree with you there, but those qualities do not mean that people are not also misguided. That is a general comment not applying to any particular group of people.

      If a core group of people in a priviledged position start to believe they have control and power over those that make whatever it is they are doing to be the success it is, and to expect everyone to do and see things their way, anarchy is often the result. You only need to look at many businesses to see that, not to mention governments and other groups - treat your customers or those you depend on disrespectfully and pay the price. Joomla is not commercial, but the business-customer relationship still very much applies.

      As I mentioned before - were no lessons learned from the Mambo experience?
    • Last Edit: 17 years 1 week ago by Adrian Cooper.
    • www.ourultimatereality.com
  • Re: Must Joomla Extensions all be GNU/GPL? Have your say.

    Posted 17 years 1 week ago
    • EDIT: Removed potentially inflammatory comments
    • Last Edit: 17 years 1 week ago by Daniel Chapman.
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  • Re: Must Joomla Extensions all be GNU/GPL? Have your say.

    Posted 17 years 1 week ago
    • Wise move to remove. Not smart to post in the first place without knowing exactly went on. There is indeed a comparison but it's not what you think.
    • Andrew Eddie
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  • Re: Must Joomla Extensions all be GNU/GPL? Have your say.

    Posted 17 years 1 week ago
    • 15 pages of drivel to read.
      I figured I would weigh in and have my say.....
      Must Joomla Extensions all be GNU/GPL? Have your say.


      What's with all the he said , she said schtuff here?
      This is not the Great Rockettheme Community we all know and love is it?
      This post seems to have turned into a huge flame war......

      Did we all forget what the RT Kahuna has said about this???
      Alright guys, let's not repeat the fiasco of the gpl thread on the joomla forums. official statement is forthcoming to reiterate and clarify the facts. Some quick facts tho: 1) joomla is and has been gpl as was mambo before it. 2) gpl doesn't mean you can't charge for you extensions 3) templates are in a somewhat unique position as images/css/javascript etc are not restricted to GPL licensing.
    • Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.
    • Adrian Cooper's Avatar
    • Adrian Cooper
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    Re: Must Joomla Extensions all be GNU/GPL? Have your say.

    Posted 17 years 1 week ago
    • SureLurksalot wrote:

      15 pages of drivel to read.

      You don't have to read anything.
      SureLurksalot wrote:
      Alright guys, let's not repeat the fiasco of the gpl thread on the joomla forums. official statement is forthcoming to reiterate and clarify the facts. Some quick facts tho: 1) joomla is and has been gpl as was mambo before it. 2) gpl doesn't mean you can't charge for you extensions 3) templates are in a somewhat unique position as images/css/javascript etc are not restricted to GPL licensing.

      This is the "Water Cooler" forum and these are important issues that affect everyone involved with Joomla.

      As forSureLurksalot wrote:
      gpl doesn't mean you can't charge for you extensions

      My position is that be that as it may, Joomla needs commercial extensions and a way must be found within or without the provisions of GPL to make it possible.

      Saying "gpl doesn't mean you can't charge for you extensions " is not very helpful in that context.
    • Last Edit: 17 years 1 week ago by Adrian Cooper.
    • www.ourultimatereality.com
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    Re: Must Joomla Extensions all be GNU/GPL? Have your say.

    Posted 17 years 1 week ago
    • please. will someone lock this thread and let it fall down the pages
      its turning into exactly the same thing over at joomla.org ...
      its not needed here. please
    • www.c3p0.se - sweden
  • Re: Must Joomla Extensions all be GNU/GPL? Have your say.

    Posted 17 years 1 week ago
    • Alright, the Joomla! forum has a place for debate and to present your opinions on the whole GPL issue.

      This, in a direct form, is not related to Rocket Theme as the posts by Andy (such as the announcement thread)have confirmed the situation about templates and the Joomla! license.

      Therefore, unless told otherwise, I think it would be best to lock this thread as damo suggested.

      Here are a few links for the discussion
      GPL questions - User Related (Joomla! forum)
      GPL questions - Developer Related (Joomla! forum)
      GPL - Your Opinion(Joomla! forum)
      SureLurksalot wrote:
      This is not the Great Rockettheme Community we all know and love is it?
    • James Spencer / Developer & Support / Hull, UK

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