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Score 34.2

Denali: Case Studies Particle

"All Items" Label Enter a label for the tab that loads all of the items at once. Grid Column Enter the number of column(s) you wish to have items displayed in at once. Particle Item Options These items make up the individual featured items in the particle.

Grav Documentation /docs/grav/themes/denali/particle_case.md
Score 34.2

Remnant: Video Grid Particle

Codec Audio Codec Container Bitrate 320x240 h.264 AAC MP4 400 kbps 480x270 h.264 AAC MP4 700 kbps 640x360 h.264 AAC MP4 1400 kbps 1280x720 h.264 AAC MP4 2500 kbps 1920x1080 h.264 AAC MP4 4000 kbps To save time and resources on page loads

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/remnant/particle_video.md
Score 34.2

Supra: Video Particle

Codec Audio Codec Container Bitrate 320x240 h.264 AAC MP4 400 kbps 480x270 h.264 AAC MP4 700 kbps 640x360 h.264 AAC MP4 1400 kbps 1280x720 h.264 AAC MP4 2500 kbps 1920x1080 h.264 AAC MP4 4000 kbps To save time and resources on page loads

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/supra/particle_video.md
Score 34.2


First Load Status: This setting determines if RokMicroNews is expanded or collapsed when the page first loads. Navigation Position: You can choose between a right or left position for the navigation area of the widget.

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/plugins/rokmicronews/rokmicronews_use.md
Score 34.2

RokSprocket: Headlines Layout Mode

Autoplay sets whether you want the widget to start rolling through headlines automatically when the page loads, or to await a command from the visitor. Autoplay Delay sets the amount of time between cycled headlines in the widget.

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/plugins/roksprocket/headlines_mode.md
Score 34.2

RokSprocket: Tabs Layout Mode

Autoplay sets whether you want the widget to start rolling through tabs automatically when the page loads, or to await a command from the visitor. Autoplay Delay changes the amount of time between cycled tabs in the module.

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/plugins/roksprocket/tabs_mode.md
Score 34.2

Denali: Case Studies Particle

"All Items" Label Enter a label for the tab that loads all of the items at once. Grid Column Enter the number of column(s) you wish to have items displayed in at once. Particle Item Options These items make up the individual featured items in the particle.

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/denali/particle_case.md
Score 34.2

Elixir: Flipster Cover Flow Particle

Start Choose where to start the praticle off when the page loads. FadeIn Speed of the animation (in milliseconds) for items to fade in on page load. Loop Enable or Disable the loop around when the items reach the end of the list.

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/elixir/particle_flipster.md
Score 34.2

Remnant: Video Grid Particle

Codec Audio Codec Container Bitrate 320x240 h.264 AAC MP4 400 kbps 480x270 h.264 AAC MP4 700 kbps 640x360 h.264 AAC MP4 1400 kbps 1280x720 h.264 AAC MP4 2500 kbps 1920x1080 h.264 AAC MP4 4000 kbps To save time and resources on page loads

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/remnant/particle_video.md
Score 34.2

Supra: Video Particle

Codec Audio Codec Container Bitrate 320x240 h.264 AAC MP4 400 kbps 480x270 h.264 AAC MP4 700 kbps 640x360 h.264 AAC MP4 1400 kbps 1280x720 h.264 AAC MP4 2500 kbps 1920x1080 h.264 AAC MP4 4000 kbps To save time and resources on page loads

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/supra/particle_video.md