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Score 47.9

Manticore: Latest News Particle

Start From Enter offset specifying the first post to return. The default is '0' (the first post). Order By Choose the type of factor to order by. Ordering Direction Choose between Ascending and Descending as the post ordering method.

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/manticore/particle_latestnews.md
Score 47.9

Topaz: BookBlock Particle

Particle Content Item - Category [5%, 5%, se] Item - Intro [27%, 5%, se] Item - Content [43%, 5%, se] Item - Read More Label [77%, 5%, se] Item - Image [5%, 53%, se] Item - Image Title [67%, 65%, se] Item - Image Description [75%, 53%, se] Item - Name [15%, 5%, se] One important thing to note

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/topaz/particle_book.md
Score 47.9

RokSprocket: Lists Layout Mode

You can choose to use post content, an assigned post excerpt, the default article text, or to have nothing appear at all. The Default Article Image option gives you the ability to set a standard default image for posts. This includes: a custom image, post intro image, and post full image.

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/plugins/roksprocket/lists_mode.md
Score 47.5

Reiko: Latest News Particle

Start From Enter offset specifying the first post to return. The default is '0' (the first post). Order By Choose the type of factor to order by. Ordering Direction Choose between Ascending and Descending as the post ordering method.

Grav Documentation /docs/grav/themes/reiko/particle_latestnews.md
Score 47.5

Koleti: Latest News Particle

Start From Enter offset specifying the first post to return. The default is '0' (the first post). Order By Choose the type of factor to order by. Ordering Direction Choose between Ascending and Descending as the post ordering method.

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/koleti/particle_latestnews.md
Score 47.4

Kirigami: Recreating the Demo - Top News of the Week

In this instance, we set the Posts Display -> Intro Posts option to 1 in order to only show a single post in that space. NOTE: You can find out the category number of a particular post category by editing the category in Admin -> Posts -> Categories.

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/kirigami/demo_post.md
Score 47.4

Notio: News Tabs Particle

Start From Enter offset specifying the first post to return. The default is '0' (the first post). Pagination Hide or Show pagination. Order By Choose the type of factor to order by. Ordering Direction Choose between Ascending and Descending as the post ordering method.

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/notio/particle_newstabs.md
Score 47.0

Zenith: Latest News Particle

Start From Enter offset specifying the first post to return. The default is '0' (the first post). Order By Choose the type of factor to order by. Ordering Direction Choose between Ascending and Descending as the post ordering method.

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/zenith/particle_latestnews.md
Score 47.0

Notio: Article Tabs Particle

Start From Enter offset specifying the first post to return. The default is '0' (the first post). Order By Choose the type of factor to order by. Ordering Direction Choose between Ascending and Descending as the post ordering method.

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/notio/particle_articletabs.md
Score 46.6

Dominion: Recreating the Demo - Sidebar

Option Setting Title Pages Sort By Page Order Depth 1 List Class menu Gantry Login Form The login form located on the front page is actually a Gantry Login Form widget. Here are the widget options you will need to change in order to match the demo.

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/dominion/demo_sidebar.md