Your Guide to the Lists RokSprocket Layout Mode for WordPress
Lists is a vertical display content mode, with accordion support. Here is a look at the options screen for the Lists layout mode.
There are three themes that come built in to the Lists layout mode in RokSprocket.
The first of these themes is the Default theme. This theme creates a standard RokSprocket Lists widget, popularly used in many sites to display a lot of content in a relatively small space. It can be set to either Collapsible or Static to create a compact or standard look.
The Portrait theme makes images the focus of your content. In addition to your item title and/or text, your images appear at all times in either the Collapsible or Static format.
The Modern theme gives you the best of both worlds. It is a modern, flat design approach that mimics the content approach of the default theme, giving you full control over hot much or how little content is featured in the widget.
The Title field gives you the ability to set a title for the widget itself. Every widget has to have a title, though you can opt to hide it from public view for a cleaner, more theme integrated look. The Position field right below it gives you the ability to set the position within the theme's layout the widget should appear in.
The Filtered Article List gives you access to item-specific settings including:
The Content Filter Rules section gives you the ability to determine how the widget will pull content to make up the grid items. For example, you can have the widget pull articles that are within a specific category, contain a particular name or keyword in the title, or choose specific articles. You can also modify how this content is sorted in the widget. In the case of a Simple provider, this area allows you to add new items to the Filtered Article List.
Below the Content Filter Rules section are two options areas specific to the layout mode you have chosen. We have broken down the Lists Layout Options and Lists Article Defaults sections below.
Default post Title
, then the post's given titles are used.The Theme option sets the theme for displaying lists in the widget. These themes determine how the lists look within the widget. You can choose the one that best fits your theme and/or personal taste.
The Collapsible Preview toggle gives you the ability to choose whether or not the lists should include a collapsible preview feature. When enabled, only one post preview at a time will show expanded.
The Display Limit field sets the amount of posts shown when the page is rendered. Setting this limit to zero or infinity will allow it to cycle through all applicable items.
The Preview Length option sets the amount of words you wish to limit the preview to within the widget's post display. This can help reduce occurrences of controls overlaying the description and make your lists more uniform.
The Strip HTML Tags option removes HTML tags from the description of a post.
The Previews Per Page setting allows you to determine how many previews appear per page within the widget.
The Arrow Navigation option determines whether you wish to show or hide the arrow navigation controls on the widget.
The Pagination toggle gives you control over whether or not you wish to show pagination.
Autoplay sets whether you want the widget to start rolling through lists automatically when the page loads, or to await a command from the visitor.
Autoplay Delay sets the amount of time between cycled lists in the widget. The longer this delay (in seconds), the longer a single post will be featured in the widget.
The Image Resize option is best utilized on a non-responsive theme. It renders a copy of the selected image with a maximum width or height determined in these fields. This option is disabled by default, but can be used to fit a variety of themes which would benefit from this uniformity. In a responsive theme, images will continue to expand or shrink based on the grid and browser window size.
You can set a default title for all posts from the Default Title field. If this selection is set at Default post Title, then the post's given titles are used.
The Default Article Text field allows you to set default post text for all features in the widget. If this is not changed from its default, then the post's introductory text is used. You can choose to use post content, an assigned post excerpt, the default article text, or to have nothing appear at all.
The Default Article Image option gives you the ability to set a standard default image for posts. This includes: a custom image, post intro image, and post full image. Alternatively, you can leave this set to default and it will grab the global default post image.
The Default Article Link gives you the ability to set a default link field from posts in the widget. This can be either the default article link, a custom link that applies as the default for all items, or nothing at all.