Your Guide to Using Particles in Audacity for Grav
The Showcase particle displays images and accompanying text in a modern slider format.
Here are the topics covered in this guide:
These options affect the main area of the particle, and not the individual items within.
Option | Setting |
Particle Name | The name of the particle for organizational use in the backend. |
CSS Classes | CSS Class(es) you would like to have apply to the particle's content. |
In Animation | Set the animation type for incoming items. |
Out Animation | Set the animation type for outgoing items. |
Dots | Enable or Disable dots navigation. |
Loop | Enable or Disable looping of slides. |
Autoplay | Enable or Disable autoplay for the particle. |
Autoplay Speed | Set the speed (in milliseconds) of the particle's animation. |
Pause on Hover | Enable or Disable the pause-on-hover effect for the particle. |
These items make up the individual featured items in the particle.
Option | Description |
Name | Enter a name for your item. This only appears on the back end. |
Image | Set an image for the item. |
Title | Enter a title for the item. |
Description | Enter a description for the item. |
Link Title | Enter a title to appear as the title of the link. |
Link | Enter a link for the item. |
Link Text | Enter text that appears as the link for the item. |
Target | Select between Self and New Window for the link's target. |
Button Class | Enter any CSS class(es) you want to have apply to the button. |