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Interstellar: Recreating the Demo - Footer Section

Your Guide to Recreating Elements of the Interstellar Demo for Joomla


Custom HTML (Particle)
Newsletter (Particle)

The Footer section includes two particles: Custom HTML and a Newsletter particle assigned to the footer-a and footer-b module positions.

Here is a breakdown of the module(s) and particle(s) that appear in this section:

Section Settings

Option Setting
Layout Fullwidth (Boxed Content)
CSS Classes Blank
Tag Attributes Blank

Custom HTML (Particle)

The Simple Content particle is a Gantry 5 Particle module placed within the footer-a module position. You can create a module position by dragging and dropping a Module Position particle into the desired location within the Layout Manager. The module position's settings are as follows.

Module Position Particle Settings

Particle Settings

Demo Extension

Option Setting
Particle Name FP Extension A
Key footer-a
Chrome gantry

Block Settings

Demo Extension

Option Setting
CSS ID Blank
CSS Classes Blank
Variations Blank
Tag Attributes Blank
Fixed Size Unchecked
Block Size 60%

Custom HTML Particle Settings

The next step involves assigning the particle to the module position. Adding a particle to a module position can be done by creating a Gantry 5 Particle module by navigating to Admin > Extensions > Modules and clicking the green New button. Select the Gantry 5 Particle module type and create the particle using the settings found in the section below, and assigning it to the position.

Particle Settings

Demo Extension

Option Setting
Particle Name Custom HTML
Process Twig Unchecked
Process Shortcodes Unchecked

Custom HTML

<div class="g-grid g-sample-sitemap">
<div class="g-block">
<ul class="nomarginall noliststyle">
<li><a href="#">About</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Our Blog</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Our Team</li>
<li><a href="#">We're hiring!</a></li>
<div class="g-block">
<ul class="nomarginall noliststyle">
<li><a href="#">FAQ</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Support</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Showcase</li>
<li><a href="#">Contact Us</a></li>
<div class="g-block">
<ul class="nomarginall noliststyle">
<li><a href="#">Tumblr</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Facebook</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Twitter</li>
<li><a href="#">Pinterest</a></li>

Newsletter (Particle)

The Newsletter particle is a Gantry 5 Particle module placed within the footer-a module position. You can create a module position by dragging and dropping a Module Position particle into the desired location within the Layout Manager. The module position's settings are as follows.

Module Position Particle Settings

Particle Settings

Demo Extension

Option Setting
Particle Name FP Extension A
Key footer-a
Chrome gantry

Block Settings

Demo Extension

Option Setting
CSS ID Blank
CSS Classes Blank
Variations Blank
Tag Attributes Blank
Fixed Size Unchecked
Block Size 40%

Newsletter Particle Settings

The next step involves assigning the particle to the module position. Adding a particle to a module position can be done by creating a Gantry 5 Particle module by navigating to Admin > Extensions > Modules and clicking the green New button. Select the Gantry 5 Particle module type and create the particle using the settings found in the section below, and assigning it to the position.

Particle Settings

Demo Extension

Option Setting
Particle Name Newsletter
CSS Classes Blank
Width Full Width
Layout Stack Compact
Style Square
Title Blank
Heading Text Let's stay in touch. Subscribe to our newsletter to get the weekly updates.
Side Text Blank
InputBox Text Your email address
Button Icon fa fa-chevron-circle-right
Button Text Blank
Feedburner URI Blank
Button Classes Blank

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