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Plethora: Recreating the Demo - FP RokSprocket Tabs - Showcase

Your Guide to Recreating Elements of the Plethora Demo for Joomla

FP RokSprocket Tabs - Showcase

We used a RokSprocket module with the Tabs layout to make up this area of the front page. You will find the settings used in our demo below.


Option Setting
Title FP RokSprocket Tabs - Showcase
Show Title Hide
Access Public
Position showcase-b
Status Published
Content Provider Simple
Type Tabs

Filtered Article List

Item 1

Option Setting
Label Gantry
Icon None
Link #


<h2 class="title">Advanced template framework with vast portfolio of
<span class="hidden-tablet">standard</span> features</h2>

<p><span class="rt-floatleft"><img alt="image" src=
is the core framework that sits at the heart of the template, powering all the
major features and functions, providing a versatile set of rich capabilities to
make your site easy to customize<span class="hidden-tablet">, setup and
use</span>. <span class="hidden-tablet">The main asset of Gantry is its
intuitive administrative interface, that provides friendly control

<div class="clear"></div>

Layout Options

Option Setting
Theme Default
Display Limit
Tabs Position Top
Animation Slide and Fade
Autoplay Disable
Autoplay Delay 5
Preview Length 0
Image Resize Disable
Strip HTML Tabs No


Option Setting
Module Class Suffix box3 nomarginall fp-roksprocket-tabs-showcase

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