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Showing 21 - 30 results of 100 total hits (0.049 seconds)
Score 111.7

F ( Gantry Framework / Gantry 4 for Joomla )

Kongzi's Avatar

Hello, After a few days without possibility to solve this... We have a display problem with cache and css override template. Failed deleting vm2.css Failed deleting query.css Failed deleting megaresponsive.css Failed deleting megamart-ie9.css Failed deleting megamart-ie8.css Try please with french or italian because english still not finish. http://www.azurpara.com Joomla 2.5.14 Virtuemart 2.0.22c Gantry v4.1.16 Template by CMSMART So, provider cannot fix this, help will be appreciate ;-))) Thanks

Score 109.9

Re: [ ( Gantry Framework / Gantry Solved Threads )

Barbara's Avatar

I get this error message also "Failed to load 'g5_hydrogen' template: Please install Gantry 5 Framework!" I have tried everything. I also have install on another site with no problems, but I am about to give up on this one.

Score 107.2

C ( General / Configuration and Security )

cchang's Avatar

I was forced to uninstall RokSprocket in the process of cloning a website over to a new server (AWS). But now when I try to re-install it, I continue getting installation errors. I was able to bypass a handful of errors by changing the the referenced directories' permissions to 777, but I'm now getting the following error that I can't figure out: Copy failed Copy failed JInstaller: :Install: Failed to copy folder /tmp/install_51efd96817941/lib_rokcommon/./config to /opt/bitnami/apps/joomla/htdocs/libraries/rokcommon/config Any advice?

Score 106.0

L ( General / General Discussion )

boriss's Avatar

Hi guys!! I am having a problem with the reinstallation od joomla template - lumiere. I've deleted the first install thinking it will solve the "the save failed ... " problem (alias problem). I've attempted the second install of the template but it failed (via upload package file ). Any ideas... what could be the problem?

Score 105.9

[ ( Gantry Framework / Gantry Solved Threads )

Patrick Ruble's Avatar

I installed Joomla 3.4.3 Installed Gantry 5 pkg Installed Hydrogen I can see template options on edit When I preview site I see this message "Failed to load 'g5_hydrogen' template: Please install Gantry 5 Framework!" Can someone guide me as to what I may do to fix this issue??

Score 105.7

G ( Free Stuff / Gantry Framework )

Francesco Gorelli's Avatar

Hi i recive this message in home page : Delete failed: 'gantry-ajax.php' Copy failed I istalled Juxta template rocketlauncher.... I need to know how to solve... Thank you... francesco

Written by Francesco Gorelli » 13 years 11 months ago
Score 105.5

C ( General / General Discussion )

proqd's Avatar

If you check this site www.moving-head.eu whether with Mozilla or Chrome ypu will get an error message. Internet explorer does not show it. Site is nearly like downloaded - just Title was changed! Please let me know about this error message!

Written by proqd » 10 years 7 months ago
Score 105.5

U ( General / Configuration and Security )

Tim Van Nostran's Avatar

I backed up all of the files in the joomla folder and made a db backup before attempting an upgrade to 1.5.15. When i copied the files over via ftp and attempted to load the admin login page it was giving an error so i reverted to the back up. Now none of the links work....gives a 403 error. i called godaddy where the site is hosted and they said there is no communication with the database for those links. How do i correct this problem? I looked in the configuration.php file and the support tech at godaddy said there should be a dbpassword in there somewhere but i couldn't find it. Any Ideas? url is : http://dentsvanish.com/test/

Score 104.9

* ( Gantry Framework / Gantry Solved Threads )

zoomlanski's Avatar

Good morning Did a rocketlaunch install of hybrid on a server (windows IIS) - not my choice. What a bitch that was. Linux is a godsend. Not Rockettheme's fault, just the configuration of Joomla with the server At the top of the hybrid home page it says * Delete failed: 'gantry-ajax.php' * Copy failed This is beyond my scope. In the template manager, it says File administrator/templates/system/gantry-ajax-admin.php is missing. Download diagnositic info --- I click the link and get Unable to open in write mode 'E:\CustomerData\webspaces\webspace_00136575\wwwroot\test.paramediccompetition.ca\tmp\gantry-diagnostics.tgz' The gantry file - gantry-ajax-admin.php = was missing, so I uploaded it to the directory. It fixed it. When I go to save the template, it says Operation Failed!: failed to open file E:\CustomerData\webspaces\webspace_00136575\wwwroot\test.paramediccompetition.ca\templates\rt_hybrid_j15\params.ini for writing. Help! I'm drowning Thank you in advance Tim

Score 104.8

[ ( Free Stuff / Gantry Framework )

kauri's Avatar

Hi :) I'm running Gantry 4.0.4 on a J!2.5.7 site with the Kirigami template. It's just gone onto a live development server for testing and client approval (I have successfully upgraded other extensions since the move from WAMP to dev.server by editing CHMOD values pre and post install). I used the J! Extension update button and clicked the Gantry update... it complained that /plugins/system/installer/ couldn't be created, so I made 'system' writeable and tried again, it wrote the directory... i tried to run the script inside from the update UI 'install from directory'... it failed (no package). The J! Extensions Update button in the control panel now reports that 'All extensions are up to date'... BUT... ... in the 'Template Manager' Kirigami reports that my Gantry version is unknown, 'Manage Extensions' shows 4.0.4 is installed, and the front-end of the site is still working fine (whew). Additionally, a 4.0.5 Upgrade on the WAMP version of the site shows the gantry library as the only thing that gets updated between 4.0.4 and 4.0.5. I have since downloaded gantry_joomla_framework-4.0.5.zip to try a full manual install, but could you tell me: a/ what directories need to be made writeable for the zip install to work, and/or b/ if it's just a library file, how could i upgrade just that instead of overwriting gantry completely?

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