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Must Joomla Extensions all be GNU/GPL? Have your say.

    • damo's Avatar
    • damo
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    Re: Must Joomla Extensions all be GNU/GPL? Have your say.

    Posted 17 years 2 months ago
    • my point is. nothing has changed

      this all started from one person asking one question on the joomla forums. it has gotten completely out of control and absolutely nothing has changed

      the ones that suffer are the ones that will always suffer. the ones that make money will still make money and the ones that are free are mostly free for a reason (whatever that might be)

      if people made non gpl components before they probably still will and i salute them. the gpl license says in its preamble
      The licenses for most software are designed to take away your freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free software--to make sure the software is free for all its users.
      if you use joomla and decide to install non gpl components, then i don't see any problem as long as it's just for your site. sorry; there may be a problem in terms of the license. what i meant was; nobody is going to crack down on a joomla site using non gpl extensions: people will just turn a blind eye
    • Last Edit: 17 years 2 months ago by damo.
    • www.c3p0.se - sweden
  • Re: Must Joomla Extensions all be GNU/GPL? Have your say.

    Posted 17 years 2 months ago
    • damo wrote:
      if you use joomla and decide to install non gpl components, then i don't see any problem as long as it's just for your site. sorry; there may be a problem in terms of the license. what i meant was; nobody is going to crack down on a joomla site using non gpl extensions: people will just turn a blind eye

      It's not so much that people will turn a blind eye as the fact, Damo, that an end user cannot / does not breach the GPL. Only the developer can possibly do so through the act of distribution.

      So, end users are fine. Having extensions installed that are not GPL-compliant does not put an end user at risk.


      One comment on CB, in particular, even Phil's operations - any 3PD who has a large community - I think CB has 60,000 forum users - there is real opportunity for open source "long tail" business models to start working. Honestly, it seems to me that those who are the most established already with satisfied "customers" should be able to do the best during this change.


      Here's a good post on templates from Casey of JoomlaShack.


      I did not realize www.toonla.com/ was an emerging website! Sweet! Humor will not hurt as we work our way through this change. THANKS! I will keep an eye on it and very likely blog a few funny ones I find. Very cool, thanks!

      Amy :)
    • ~*~ OpenSourceCommunity.org ~*~
  • Re: Must Joomla Extensions all be GNU/GPL? Have your say.

    Posted 17 years 2 months ago
  • Re: Must Joomla Extensions all be GNU/GPL? Have your say.

    Posted 17 years 2 months ago
    • ROFL a bridge for the bridge. Now that is comic worthy!

      But not until next week. ;)


      If you want to split hairs then yes technically nothing has changed about Joomlas License. However a lot has changed about the way developers have to treat their code.

      Most developers were acting upon the rider and the FAQ which said that non GPL extensions were ok.

      Well the rider has been removed and the FAQ entries about commercial components have vanished. -That- has changed.
      Non GPL devs were put on notice to obey the license or (something undefined) -That- has changed.
      Encryption in components that directly interface with Joomla is now confirmed to be a nono. Before it was (wrongly) assumed that this was ok -That- has changed.

      These changes all affect the majority of the current commercial extension shops. Who have to choose to knowingly act in violation of the license, find a way around it (ie a bridge {for bridges *chuckles*} ) , go elsewhere or release as GPL.

      All of these options requires a change in their business practices, or an increase in fear of lawsuits... Already extensions are being pulled from the JED. Whether they return or not is unknown.

      You can say 'nothing has changed' as much as you like but a lot of people seem to think something has because they can no longer continue with their business as it is in good faith.

      For template clubs it is however, business as usual.
    • Last Edit: 17 years 2 months ago by Daniel Chapman.
    • www.ninjoomla.com - The Ninjoomla Open Source Extension Club
      Over 50 open source extensions and 100 videos to you build the site you want.
  • Re: Must Joomla Extensions all be GNU/GPL? Have your say.

    Posted 17 years 2 months ago
    • Daniel -

      LOL! Love your humor! Now, do *not* forget to show the other "dark" side, as well, if you are truly going for the " biased for and against all sides." Allowing us *each* to laugh at ourselves would be good. I have a couple of ideas if you are struggling artistically with the other perspective. PM or email me if you want ideas! GPL'ed ideas, baby, you can use 'em freely!

      Amy :)
    • ~*~ OpenSourceCommunity.org ~*~
  • Re: Must Joomla Extensions all be GNU/GPL? Have your say.

    Posted 17 years 2 months ago
    • I am trying to come at it from an unbiased side, I have a couple of good ones planned for the other side. (tin hats for all!) But I am more than happy for more input. PM away!
    • www.ninjoomla.com - The Ninjoomla Open Source Extension Club
      Over 50 open source extensions and 100 videos to you build the site you want.
  • Re: Must Joomla Extensions all be GNU/GPL? Have your say.

    Posted 17 years 2 months ago
  • Re: Must Joomla Extensions all be GNU/GPL? Have your say.

    Posted 17 years 2 months ago
    • Daniel Chapman wrote:
      CB is fine for the code. But the developers have the time to work on it because they sell other non GPLcomponents.

      e.g. the new CB component that EVERYONE just about has been waiting for was to be non GPL. Well that just hit a brick wall.

      The only reason we have CB and SOBI2 and MANY other GPL extensions are because the devs sold other components to make free time to work on these ones.

      If they had not sold these other extensions we would not have these two great extensions today.

      How many times have you used CB? How much money have you made making sites using CB? How much money have you given Nant and (gah forgot his name) the other guy... to compensate them for the money you made?

      I am not a fan of CB at all and have never used it on a live site. It doesn't play well with other components in testing we did and for the type of sites we've done isn't necessary. Each component we use results in a donation to the creator and each install we do results in a donation to the Joomla team. I am very well aware of the benefits to me of a well fed component maker society.
    • Last Edit: 17 years 2 months ago by Rick O Banion.
  • Re: Must Joomla Extensions all be GNU/GPL? Have your say.

    Posted 17 years 2 months ago
    • Rick O Banion wrote:
      Each component we use results in a donation to the creator and each install we do results in a donation to the Joomla team. I am very well aware of the benefits to me of a well fed component maker society.

      That's great Rick! That is really great. We need end users who understand that. And, can fish! WOW!
    • ~*~ OpenSourceCommunity.org ~*~
  • Re: Must Joomla Extensions all be GNU/GPL? Have your say.

    Posted 17 years 2 months ago
    • Daniel Chapman wrote:
      I am not sure who the 'dishonest' comment was directed at so I won't comment on it. :)
      People using encoding to hide the fact they've just rebadged a GPL extension.
    • Andrew Eddie
      The Art of Joomla - A Joomla Magazine - www.theartofjoomla.com
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