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Score 49.9

Mercado: Recreating the Demo - Footer

<img src="http://demo.rockettheme.com/live/wordpress/mercado/wp-content/rockettheme/rt_mercado_wp/frontpage/bot-icons-1.png" alt="image" width="125" height="29" class="png"/> Here is a breakdown of options changes you will want to make to match the demo.

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/mercado/demo_footer.md
Score 48.4

Myriad: FAQ

Step 1: Create a New Logo File The first thing you will want to do is create a logo.png file featuring your new logo. The png file type enables you to maintain transparency and preserve quality.

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/g4myriad/faq.md
Score 47.7

RokGallery: Editing and Managing Image Files

This field is automatically generated by RokGallery, however you can change it as needed. [59%, 1%] Description You would enter the description of an image here. [69%, 1%] Tags You can add and remove tags to the particular image in this area. [46%, 29%] Slices This area of the Image Editor is where you

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/plugins/rokgallery/rokgallery_images.md
Score 47.1

Product Comparisons

3 (expandable) 1 (non-expandable) Price $59 - 99 $29 - 49 Note: Individuals and organizations that purchase products with Lifetime terms of support and availability will retain access to downloads, updates, and related support forums until such time as the product purchased is considered

Joomla Documentation /docs/accounts_billing/comparisons.md
Score 44.5

Alerion: Recreating the Demo - Your Tickets Here

<div class="rt-eventlist"> <div class="gantry-width-70 gantry-width-block"> <span><strong>Space Needle</strong></span><br> <span><em class="hidden-tablet">Brooklyn</em> <strong>FRI, FEB 29</strong>, 2013</span

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/alerion/demo_module_3.md
Score 44.5

Alerion: Recreating the Demo - Floating Module Top

Set the Box Variation to Box 1. Set the Title Variation to Title 3. Enter jagged fp-floating-top in the Custom Variations field. Leaving everything else at its default setting, select Save.

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/alerion/demo_floatingtop.md
Score 44.5

Camber: Recreating the Demo - Footer

Text 1 This section of the page is a standard text widget. You will need to enter the following in the main text field. <p class="nomarginbottom"> <em class="bold">DEMO NOTICE:</em> All demo content is for sample purposes only, intended to represent a live site.

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/camber/demo_footer.md
Score 41.5

Callisto: Recreating the Demo - Pricing Page

[6%, 6%, se] Custom HTML 2 [6%, 36%, se] Custom HTML 3 [6%, 66%, se] Custom HTML 4 [55%, 6%, se] Info List 1 [69%, 6%, se] Info List 2 [69%, 50%, se] The Mainbar section itself renders as 100% of the page width as there are no particles or positions assigned to the Sidebar section.

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/callisto/pricing.md
Score 41.5

Callisto: Recreating the Demo - Services Page

[6%, 6%, se] Custom HTML 2 [6%, 36%, se] Custom HTML 3 [6%, 66%, se] Custom HTML 4 [24%, 6%, se] Custom HTML 5 [24%, 36%, se] Custom HTML 6 [24%, 66%, se] Content List [42%, 6%, se] Info List 1 [69%, 6%, se] Info List 2 [69%, 36%, se] Info List 3 [69%, 66%, se] The Mainbar section itself renders

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/templates/callisto/services.md
Score 41.5

Callisto: Recreating the Demo - Pricing Page

[6%, 6%, se] Custom HTML 2 [6%, 36%, se] Custom HTML 3 [6%, 66%, se] Custom HTML 4 [55%, 6%, se] Info List 1 [69%, 6%, se] Info List 2 [69%, 50%, se] The Mainbar section itself renders as 100% of the page width as there are no particles or positions assigned to the Sidebar section.

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/themes/callisto/pricing.md