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Score 78.2

RokMiniEvents: Setup

This file should download automatically upon selecting Service Account during the initial project setup. We recommend placing this file in /media/mod_rokminievents/ as this is the default location pre-filled in the field. You can, of course, place it anywhere you would like.

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/extensions/rokminievents/rokminievents_use.md
Score 69.6

RokBooster: Setup Guide

Plugin Configuration RokBooster gives you the ability to optimize your entire site in order to reduce the load on your server, deliver a faster experience to your users, and potentially improve pagerank through reducing site load times. You can access the RokBooster plugin settings by navigating to Extensions -> Plugin Manager -> System - RokBooster...

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/extensions/rokbooster/rokbooster_use.md
Score 69.6

RokCheck - Setup Guide

Initial Setup Once you have installed RokCheck, you can create the RokCheck Module by doing the following: Navigate to Extensions > Modules and select Administrator from the dropdown under the New button. Select the New button. Select RokCheck from the list of Module Types.

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/extensions/rokcheck/setup.md
Score 69.6

RokComments: Setup Guide

IntenseDebate To setup RokComments to use IntenseDebate, you first have to sign up at http://intensedebate.com. Once you have created an account, you need to select Sites from the top menu, then click + Add blog/site from the dropdown. Enter the URL to your website and click Next Step.

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/extensions/rokcomments/setup.md
Score 69.6

RokMiniEvents: Google Setup

The P12 Key Location field, as explained previously, should be the path and filename to the file you automatically downloaded from Google during the project setup. If you no longer have this file, you can request a new one by selecting Generate new P12 key from the Developers Console.

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/extensions/rokminievents/google.md
Score 69.6

RokNavMenu: Setup Guide

While you might not be able to take advantage of the Templates Manager setup for the main menu in these instances, you can still use styled RokNavMenu modules to extend the features and functionality of the core Joomla menu.

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/extensions/roknavmenu/setup.md
Score 69.6

RokQuickCart - Setup Guide

Google Checkout will only add the taxes and shipping in if you define it to do so in the setup. NOTE: Google Checkout has been retired by Google and may no longer be available.

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/extensions/rokquickcart/setup.md
Score 69.6

RokSocialButtons - Setup Guide

Introduction Configuring and setting up RokSocialButtons is a fairly straightforward process. Most of the work is done by the plugin itself, but you do have the ability to turn certain buttons on or off, as well as add unique CSS styling to them. Settings RokSocialButtons uses the AddThis system for generating social sharing links...

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/extensions/roksocialbuttons/setup.md
Score 69.6

RokStock: Setup Guide

User Controls Users have the ability to add their own stocks to the module from the frontend without having to have administrative access. You can define what, exactly, users can and can not do with the module in cases where you want to display only what you have pre-selected to appear on RokStock...

Joomla Documentation /docs/joomla/extensions/rokstock/rokstock_use.md
Score 69.6

RokIntroScroller: Setup Guide

Widget Options You can access RokIntroScroller's main widget settings by navigating to Admin -> Appearance -> Widgets -> RokIntroScroller. Any changes you make here will be reflected in a single occurrence of the RokIntroScroller widget on the frontend of your site. Title: Sets the title for the RokIntroScroller widget...

Wordpress Documentation /docs/wordpress/plugins/rokintroscroller/rokintroscroller_use.md