I'm in the same boat as John H. I build sites for a few clients and they have clients that visit these sites.. So I have to tell someone that is paying my check to tell the person paying their check to upgrade. Oh, and by the way, none of these people can find the "any" key...
I hate IE6,7,8 and tell everyone that will listen to get FireFox or Safari but not all of them can.. So I'm stuck. The bad part is telling someone how awesome Joomla is and then struggling to make a site that they can use without stuff moving all over the place...
Anyone know of a list of templates, plugins etc that are IE6 happy? Or is it just a case by case problem that we need to tear into to fix. My site is pretty minimal using afterburner to try to get an IE6 site up and running...
Anyone know of a list of templates, plugins etc that are IE6 happy? Or is it just a case by case problem that we need to tear into to fix. My site is pretty minimal using afterburner to try to get an IE6 site up and running...
I havent had many problems with Versatility templates and IE6. However, when I introduce rokbox (and other javascript enhanced features) into the equation, I tend to have issues with IE6.
Keep it simple. Afterburner should be fine. Try
reading here
for support. You cannot post till you are a club member but can search. I suggest upgrading and getting a Joomla membership. IE6 support is helpful to have here.
After several attempts, I finally have a working, work-around plug-in that will re-route IE6 visitors to your site to another installed IE6 friendly template. It is a very small plugin that was originally done to re-route PDA's and cell phones to another installed Joomla template. I have stripped out all un-wanted PDA configuration code and made it purely to re-route IE6 browsers. You can download the ZIP file here;
Once installed, the only configuration you'll need to make is to name the re-route template that you have installed. Typing in the correct template name is key. For example, if you want to re-route to Andy's 'milkyway' template the correct name is 'rhuk_milkyway'. Once this is done, enable it.
Oh, before I forget... this is the EASY part. Go to my early post on this matter to read up on what you'll have to do next!
This whole process can take a bit of time to complete BUT, BUT it saved me two clients who will not move away from IE6. I'm not in the financial position to loose ANY of my clients because I can't/won't support their browser of choice. With this little plug-in modification I'm able to keep these clients and cater to their needs and not mine!
Thanks Sam... I am actually a member, have been sine Day 1 almost... The majority of stuff I've built has been non-profit so they are happy with what they get... and will u/g to FF. Lately I'm working more with commercial clients and many are IE6. I'm not much of a developer any more so I start getting lost when I need to do a lot of coding.
Thanks Sam... I am actually a member, have been sine Day 1 almost... The majority of stuff I've built has been non-profit so they are happy with what they get... and will u/g to FF. Lately I'm working more with commercial clients and many are IE6. I'm not much of a developer any more so I start getting lost when I need to do a lot of coding.
I feel ya. I am in the same boat. It's a fact. IE6 is here RIGHT NOW and that is that as they say...
I have a law firm that had to have IE6 running nice. I used V4 on that one sort of. I just stripped the thing down bare bones and reworked the css. One thing I love about RT is that there will be a discussion on IE and 95% of the time a solution is right in front of you.
Until Wingman can humiliate the masses, we have to solve these IssuEs together.
Until Wingman can humiliate the masses, we have to solve these IssuEs together.
Getting right on it....get back to you with a full report. The report will be via Power Point with the stats compiled on Excel using a Compaq with windows 98. It takes a little while as I have to keep restarting the computer again and again, but I am getting it.
P.S. I agree that with everyone working together on here...I actually like the posting of work around that are being shared on here.
"You can learn a lot from a dummy. So, pay attention to yourself." Quote by me.