Just a little reminder, the end of IE6 only refers to new templates created from January 2010 onwards. That means our huge catalogue of templates from 2009 backwards are still going to support IE6 so its not the end of the world....yet.
But its a bit sad that I cant use new templates after dec. 2009.
We will see how that goes but perhaps I will leave this forum ...
At the moment I'm thinking of a redirect (blocking) for IE6 to a standard-one-page-site that explains the whole thing in a polite way (Hi brake of evolution ..., or Hi dinosaur ...) and offers a summary and a résumé of the site, a contact and a link to FF IE8 and so on.
I was hoping for another year of IE6-support (for new templates) but I don't get. So I have to think about how to deal with it ... "not renewing" is an option for me.
I don't think your stupid and silly... - but I do believe if you remove the stupid and silly part - the above statement holds water.
Don't confuse my sense of humor, which I am only kidding, with me trying to be cruel or mean spirited.
I know, I know - it is all fun till someone pokes an eye out. But come on - people need visuals to understand things or jar their heads into "Oh, wait, that is what they mean when they tell me to upgrade. Oh, how stupidly silly of me."
If they don't, oh well, tried.
"You can learn a lot from a dummy. So, pay attention to yourself." Quote by me.