I had day 5 of 5 chemo treatments today. I also had a subcutaneous shot called
pegfilgrastimaka. Neulasta®
This stuff has a common side-effect (Bone pain). It's not really a side-effect per-se, but the pain is because this injection stimulates the bone-marrow, of your largest leg bones and the pelvis bone, to increase the production of white blood cells. As you can imagine, this stimulation of the bones can be very painful. So, I have my hydrocodone at the ready.... just in case!
Thanks for reading!
"Everyone has to get knocked-down every once-in-a-while, otherwise you'll never learn how to get-back-up!
" A quote attributed to my Grandpa Wagers
Sorry I haven't been keeping-up with my blog here. I have been feeling SO-MUCH better lately! When I started the
treatments, my Doctor told me that it might take awhile but it will eventually make me feel better. I can report that it has finally "kicked-in" and I AM feeling better! I am not running marathons or anything but I can do the "normal things" that most people take for granted. I haven't had a transfusion in over two weeks and I am NOT feeling symptomatic at all! I don't want to get too over-zealous because I have made that mistake before. But for once I am finally feeling somewhat "normal!"
Now, I have probably just placed a jinx on myself but what-the-heck, I feel great!
Thanks for reading!
"Everyone has to get knocked-down every once-in-a-while, otherwise you'll never learn how to get-back-up!
" A quote attributed to my Grandpa Wagers
Great news!
Hope all is well with all the weather in your neck of the woods too.
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Great news!
Hope all is well with all the weather in your neck of the woods too.
Yeah, no-kidding! We have had tornadoes and floods in the last couple-of-weeks.
I'm sitting-around waiting for the plague-of-locusts to show up any minute! LOL
Thanks again!
"Everyone has to get knocked-down every once-in-a-while, otherwise you'll never learn how to get-back-up!
" A quote attributed to my Grandpa Wagers
All the flooding in Arkansas hasn't affected me, I was smart-enough to build my house on top of a small mountain. One has to come uphill from all directions to get to my house!
All the flooding in Arkansas hasn't affecting me, I was smart-enough to build my house on top of a small mountain. One has to come uphill from all directions to get to my house!
Like the King of the Castle as he surveys his lands below
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