I just wanted to follow up on a couple of points:The sooner everyone starts moving on to 1.5 the better. Hanging on to legacy software is just a bad decision.
We don't all have much of a choice. There are still many componants out there that simply do not work on 1.5 and it is just not feasible to loose that functionality on a live site. This is precisely the situation we are in, we'd love to upgrade, but a key extension is simply not compatable in any way. It's not always a simple decision.
Are you saying that by developing templates for Joomla 1.0, you are crimping the features you want to develop for Joomla 1.5 templates?
So, my pro membership, which is solely for Joomla 1.5 templates -- because there's no way I'm going to install Joomla 1.0 for my clients -- is not getting full value?
Or, put another way, I am subsidizing Joomla 1.0 template development?
I want full throttle Joomla 1.5 templates, no holding back! Would you consider adding a couple of months to my just renewed pro membership to compensate me for the partial-featured Joomla 1.5 templates I'm getting?
I look to you to be on the forefront of Joomla. You have to lead, not follow!
Of course, you may lose site memberships to the Joomla 1.0 crowd.
It's harder to guage how many memberships you are losing because you lack 1.5 features others see elsewhere.
Consider the existence of this post, that you felt compelled to ask us, as your cue to do what you know you must do.
Consider my irritation of knowing I'm not getting fully featured 1.5 templates as my cue to you that you must develop fully featured 1.5 templates!
Create Joomla 1.5 templates. That's what I want. That's what i expect. I want fully featured Joomla 1.5 templates!
Also, every month you delay is a month of experience lost learning the finer details of Joomla 1.5 templates. Those granular details that you can learn only by doing. You need this learning in order to push Joomla further.
This is really quite unbelievable, most of my rebuttals have already been covered, but did it occur to you that while you feel you are subsidising 1.0 development, there are likely to be members who paid 1-2 months ago expecting to have 12 new templates for their 1.0 install(s) who now will only have a few? Your Pro membership is exactly the same membership now as it was when you bought it. RT have not reduced the value of this at all.
For those who want to hang on to 1.0, every template from the clubs inception until now or even 'till the end of the year is 1.0 compatible... IMHO, more than enough to choose from if you really needed to stick with 1.0.
This may be quite true however it is not necessarily the basis on which people purchased their memberships.
However, this is obviously completely a decision that only RT can make. Persoanlly at the moment I am stuck with 1.0 so it will be a shame to loose such a great resource as RT as the templates are so great I redesign every few months with a new one. They are too irresistible