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RocketTheme Blog

RokGallery, a New Spin on Managing Images

For the past few months we’ve been hard at work on a radical new gallery extension that will be debuted next month for Joomla 1.5 and 1.6. RokGallery is a ground-up revolutionary extension that will over time grow to be hugely flexible and customizable.

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RocketTheme Conference

We have been internally discussing the possibility of hosting a RocketTheme User/Developer Conference. The idea is that we would organize and host a 1 or 2 day conference in a that we could use to cover a variety of topics.

To start with we will probably focus on Joomla as it's the most popular CMS among our members.

Topics we are bouncing around include:

  • Customizing Existing Club Template - How to take an existing design and modify it completely for your clients
  • Design-to-Template - Workshop on how to take a custom design to finished Joomla template (multiple part full day workshop covering all aspects of the process)
  • Cross-Browser Testing and Gotchas - How to debug and fix browser bugs and issues
  • Gantry Framework Tutorial - The ins-and-outs of the Gantry Framework including how to implement and extend it
  • RocketTheme Extensions - How to use, modify, and implement a wide-variety of functionality with our array of extensions
  • MooTools Development - Core concepts, differences compared to other JS frameworks, developing cool mootools based scripts, how to upgrade scripts from version 1.11 to 1.3
  • Advanced Q&A - Ask the team anything!

If you have any ideas for a session that would be beneficial to a large portion of users, please reply to this thread with your concepts.

What we are interested in is how many people would be interested in attending a conference like this? We are not certain on any exact details (location, price, schedule) at this point, but if we get a decent amount of interest we may proceed with planning and development of this idea.

If this idea is successful and popular, we could have multiple of similar events in a variety of locations.

Please provide us your best 'honest' answer to if you would be likely to attend an event. Please answer without regard to location at this point. We're trying to gauge the validity of the 'idea' not specifically an event in a certain locale.

Voting is open to all past and current club members on our forum, so please vote now!


Magento 1.4 Development Cookbook Review

I've spent the last couple of evenings reading over the latest Magento books from Packt Publishing - namely their Magento 1.4 Development Cookbook and their Magento 1.4 Themes Design - which they kindly sent me review copies of after discovering RocketTheme "while searching for professionals with Magento development experience". Considering I've spent the best part of the last 2 years working exclusively with Magento - both developing extensions and constructing themes - I guess I'm pretty well versed in the ways of Magento, but as Magento is such a large system, I figured I'd likely learn something new, so I took them up on their offer. So, in case anyone is considering purchasing some Magento study guides, I'm going to give you a quick review of each book. First up, it's the "Development Cookbook".

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